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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. And the situation would be a lot better if the handset antenna could beamform those 50 mW directly at the fixed base station antenna. But with current technology, that just is not feasible -- because of handset size and mobility. AJ
  2. No. This is not that hard to conceptualize. A beamforming base station antenna transmits like a spotlight. A handset antenna transmits like a lightbulb. The spotlight can shine specifically on the handset antenna. But the lightbulb cannot shine specifically on the base station antenna. AJ
  3. If good downlink speeds but poor uplink speeds on band 41, that is not a network problem. The fault almost certainly lies with the device. It is power limited. So, maybe that Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is not such a great RF performer like you have been claiming. Maybe it is weak on band 41 like we have been saying for months. The tested figures do not lie. But you just do not want to listen or believe them. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-393-even-more-guardians-of-the-samsung-galaxy/ AJ
  4. With Google Voice integration, reports are that your calls have to be transcoded, probably to PCM, in order to pass through Google's servers. At this point, if there is any transcoding away from EVRC-NW, such as in a call to a landline, then the call will not be HD voice. AJ
  5. No, the FCC likely would see right through that ruse, since SoftBank would hold control over both Sprint and the other entity. But no matter, Sprint does not seem to be in any real danger of exceeding the flexible spectrum screen, which increases with every auction or release of new spectrum. AJ
  6. Absolutely, Marcelo uses Sprint. If he used a competitor for his primary line, someone would notice, and the tech press would be all over that like flies on shit. It would be terrible publicity. AJ
  7. Not exactly. In Seattle, AT&T has a total of 40 MHz of PCS A/B/D block spectrum. A 10 MHz FDD band 2 carrier occupies only half of that spectrum. AT&T still has GSM and/or W-CDMA operations in that remaining PCS spectrum. AJ
  8. Yeah, I know those people and their comments all too well. They are "fanboys." We just should make a distinction between them and "fans." Or perhaps "supporters" would be a better term. Consumers have no real reasons, only cultish reasons to be "fans" of any wireless providers. Doing so is against their economic self interest. But stakeholders do have legitimate reasons to be "fans." Some of those people are employees. Others, like S4GRU staff, are working toward an educational cause. AJ
  9. In Seattle, AT&T has some or all band 5 W-CDMA 850. AT&T holds the Cellular A block. And we have not seen any evidence that I recall of AT&T refarming Cellular spectrum for band 5 LTE in any major metros, only in some rural areas where it holds no other low band paired spectrum. AJ
  10. You were responding to at least the two posts directly prior to yours. For context, I also should have quoted this portion. By saying that is "sanity," you are implying that being a fan of a wireless provider is insanity. But I pointed out that if there were no people here who are fans of Sprint, there would be no S4GRU. The staff, in particular, has legitimate reasons to be fans of Sprint -- because of the thousands of hours of pro bono work that we do. If we stopped being fans of Sprint, the work would stop, too. AJ
  11. Is "sanity" what you really want? Because S4GRU is, well, kind of insane. The charitable hours, work, and money -- especially among the staff -- that we put into S4GRU are, well, kind of insane. And that makes S4GRU sort of a stakeholder in Sprint. Understand the sentiment. Some of us do unpaid work for an educational cause. However, if you wish, we can stop doing this at any time. We can become sane, and S4GRU can go away tomorrow. Then, you can go wandering around in the dark on your own. Get your own insider or technical information -- if you can. Is that what you want? AJ
  12. I doubt it. They were located off the Interstate, and it was after dark. AJ
  13. Sir, please step out of the vehicle. Do you know why I pulled you over? Suspicion of DUSI -- Driving Under S4GRU Influence. Now, I am going to administer a field sanity check. AJ
  14. Yes, you are correct. Sprint filed all of them as a batch. The posting date was yesterday, but they may not have appeared in the FCC ULS until today. And as I already commented to an on the road Robert, Sprint is using a -119.8 dBm RSRP figure of merit to define the extent of coverage footprint. It is not conservative, but it is about what we have long experienced with the 5 MHz FDD carrier -- that -120 dBm RSRP is more or less the bottom limit. AJ
  15. So that you do not knock yourself out with too much searching, Sprint has filed these Required Notifications for all of its PCS G block BEAs across the country. Not just the previously unconstructed, largely rural BEAs. The filings were due for all BEAs. You can view the filings for the likes of New York and Los Angeles, too. But good find. I did not think to look this week at pending applications for the PCS G block licenses -- even though I created this thread almost three years ago. AJ
  16. Yes, those all are Required Notification filings -- the standard type of FCC filing licensees use to indicate satisfaction of certain construction requirement benchmarks. AJ
  17. Staff had to fix your post for readability. Try not to quote massive screenshots. We all understand that you are replying to Robert's post. AJ
  18. I hope that Sprint LTE has made its way to S4GRU's home office in Butt, MT. AJ
  19. No, it is ridiculous, just pie in the sky. T-Mobile is being Veruca Salt... AJ
  20. We shall see how much densification actually occurs. In well deployed markets, band 26 is not really needed for coverage so much as for capacity. But with the rollout of a band 25 second carrier and/or the bandwidth expansion to a 10-15 MHz FDD band 25 first carrier, band 26 loading should diminish. AJ
  21. No, you mean one hand on the wheel, the other on the handset. We know you cannot resist. AJ
  22. I like to count hawks perched on high places along the highway. I think I once counted nine during just a half hour drive. But I am crazy like a fox. AJ
  23. So, your supposition is that the Cisco stats are representative of those of the Nielsen app user base -- people who specifically chose to download the app? Possibly so. Law of large numbers. But how do you know within reason? That is my point. Look into self selection bias. If it did not exist, then the jury selection process would not exist. To tie this back in with Nielsen, I received multiple invitations last year to participate in the Nielsen TV rating process. I even would be paid to do so. I did not respond to any of the offers. I do not watch enough TV to bother. That is an example of self selection bias. And my absence or participation may have skewed the stats away from those of the general population. AJ
  24. Yes, that is how I have set up my high end two channel audio system. I have the left loudspeaker in my living room and the right loudspeaker in my kitchen aimed out the backdoor. Thankfully, I have my hands full with the Nexus 5, 2014 Moto X, 2015 Moto X, and Nexus 5X, so I have little interest in near future HTC handsets. The HTC EVO, HTC EVO 4G LTE, and especially HTC One M7 remain my museum pieces. AJ
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