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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I wonder how well a subscript would display in the notifications shade. On the other hand, my thoughts are that a plain script "#X" carrier number moniker could display in the notifications bar, too. AJ
  2. You slept though everything. Mr. Rip Van Webster Groves. The Cardinals somehow won the World Series in April. The Rams are headed back to the Dome. Ferguson is crime free. And Sprint misused a customer's "ghetto" comment about T-Mobile. AJ
  3. I do not debate differences in Sprint service at different locations. For the purposes of this post, I do not care. But Facebook? Really? Is it representative of the whole? Almost every comment is negative. Facebook has become shit. Back when I was in college -- and Facebook was limited to educational institutions -- it was a neat resource for meeting and recognizing new people. Then, Facebook opened to everyone and his dog. The emphasis on the latter. The Facebook commenting system used by so many web sites now is horrible. Not all that intelligent people -- who could/would never actually write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper, cogently make an argument at a city council meeting, or coherently interact with their political representatives -- now can express their feelings on any and all matters. Dumb, meet dumber. Facebook has become the cesspool of the Web. I think somebody used the term "vitriol" earlier in this thread. I agree. You nailed it. For Facebook, thanks, Obama...I mean, thanks, Zuckerberg. AJ
  4. I apologize. Even though we have had numerous posts on the word "ghetto," that was yesterday and earlier today. My mistake that the statute of limitations had expired this afternoon. Unpaid S4GRU staff now will work according to your prescribed timeline -- despite the fact that you have never donated a dime to this non profit site. AJ
  5. This is why I have been lobbying mikejeep to switch from, for example, "^²" to "#2" -- or something similar. I fully respect precedent and continuity. But we seem to run into this carrier aggregation misunderstanding or misrepresentation far too often. AJ
  6. Move on? Why? Discussion of "that word" seemingly is the whole point of this discussion -- pardon the redundancy. Should S4GRU feel that posts are unproductive or provocative, staff will take action. In the meantime, we have unexpectedly high activity in this thread. You have lots of reading to do. Enjoy the ride. AJ
  7. My paid job is in continuing education -- at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. By no means am I a professor. But I work with my students on establishing neutral, critical thinking skills. Then, content skills can follow. And this "ghetto" discussion fits right in my wheelhouse, as I am educated in geography. By itself, "ghetto" is not an offensive word. It means only a largely ethnic neighborhood. Understand history. To illustrate, the Warsaw Ghetto. During World War II and the German invasion of Poland, Jews were confined to a certain segment of Warsaw. By coincidence, I also studied film in college. See "Schindler's List," "Jakob the Liar," and "The Pianist." Now, the negative connotations associated with "ghetto" probably started with the Holocaust. Understandably so. That was a horrible time of confinement and persecution. But "ghetto" also got transferred to the US to other ethnicities -- mainly, Blacks and Hispanics. For two common examples, Harlem and Compton. Then, in part because of the Elvis song "In the Ghetto," the term became part of pop culture. Throughout, though, "ghetto" remained a noun -- specifically, a place, typically, a lower socioeconomic area. Only more recently in Generation X or Millenial culture has "ghetto" colloquially become an adjective, as in, "She is so 'ghetto.'" My understanding is that last etymology of the word -- as it is used in the controversial Sprint clip -- is the issue. The adjective, "ghetto." What was the speaker thinking? T-Mobile service is "ghetto," as nationally the least reliable of the big four operators? Okay. RootMetrics objective testing backs that up. But T-Mobile service is "ghetto" because of its type of subs or coverage locations? Maybe. But, no, that shoe does not necessarily fit. MetroPCS aside, T-Mobile is expanding its demographic reach in customer base. To conclude, I have not seen the Sprint clip. I do not plan to track down the now removed clip. I do not wish to read the articles and comments. Online commenters, even actual writers, like to spew utter shit these days, and I have enough strife in my life as it is. Sprint did not make the off color comment. However, Sprint made a misstep by running the clip in the first place. AJ
  8. Arysyn, I am curious. Are you referring to me? If so, please provide some citations. I do not mince words. I am a direct communicator. I tell it like it is, then back it up with solid reasoning. A few times, not all of the time, I have been critical of you -- criticism you have warranted. That is not bullying. But I cannot recall ever bringing politics into those discussions. Civility is a different issue. That is a judgment call. Some people think that telling them they are wrong, that they should change their ways, etc., lacks civility. I disagree. If you are not referring to me, mea culpa. Anyway, I digress. Sort of to steer things back on topic, I will write a post on the etymology of the word "ghetto." Give it a few minutes... AJ
  9. Uh, no. Those are called regional or even national advertising buys. T-Mobile commercials run on OTA or satellite in the middle of nowhere -- where T-Mobile does not offer even non emergency roaming coverage. I sometimes get subjected to Whataburger commercials. Am I supposed to drive several hours to Oklahoma or Texas? To get or to leave a bad taste in my mouth? You need to understand mass marketing better. AJ
  10. That may be the intent. Most consumers are woefully uninformed. Sell them the Samsung Galaxy HTC One M10. AJ
  11. A Sprint phone in the hand is worth two in the Busch. AJ
  12. The "Tertiary Serving Cell"? I am looking forward to the "Triassic Serving Cell," not to mention the "Jurassic Serving Cell." Those raptors can build intelligent networks. AJ
  13. Skyscrapers, especially super tall skyscrapers, are the exception, not the rule. And terrestrial wireless service is not intended to serve the sky. So, signal strength will be low. Or SINR will be low -- because of the signals from so many cell sites in direct line of sight interfering with each other. That is why many skyscrapers require their own small cells. AJ
  14. Are you talking about me? I frequently am fed by a small microwave. Mostly, organic frozen meals and soups. AJ
  15. I wish that staff did not have to keep repeating this, but there is no 2x CA in band 25, only in band 41. AJ
  16. And that may be fallacious cause and effect. I have never seen a CDMA1X data roaming on/off flag in a PRL. Until somebody shows one, I am not accepting that explanation. AJ
  17. Nope. PRLs can prevent access to EV-DO, but they do not control CDMA1X data roaming. That is at both the device and network levels. So, you have a device and/or account problem. Or maybe the VZW CDMA1X data roaming network in your area has become decrepit, causing data sessions to fail. And if you "essentially can only makes calls and text," that implies you sometimes have working roaming data on VZW. If so, my explanation above holds. And I am puzzled why you would think that a PRL update could change those circumstances. AJ
  18. http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/default.htm?job=auctions_home AJ
  19. What is sad is the quality of your post. And you needlessly quote the entirety of another, lengthy post. Lazy. Pick it up, people. Get better. Improve your discourse. AJ
  20. Back when T-Mobile was hellbent on surpassing Sprint to become #3, I recall that John Legere caused some kerfuffle about Sprint keeping inactive accounts still in its numbers for 180 days. Anyway, the 90 days sounds about right. I have prepaid accounts with both T-Mobile and AT&T that I basically never use. After 90 days, I get the notice that a refill is required. I have not tried using the SIMs after 90 days. And I am not at all worried about losing phone numbers that, honestly, I cannot recite to you off the top of my head. But I still do try to refill around every 90 days. AJ
  21. I guess the Amish or the "English" really are starting to like Sprint. AJ
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