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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Give it away, give it away, give it away now... AJ
  2. And I am a little disappointed in you, as your logic is flawed. You gloss over "that depends upon how heavily Nielsen weights mobile video usage in its overall stats." It "depends" upon statistical weighting. You offer some Cisco stats and take those as gospel -- but you make no connection from them to Nielsen. Do you have any evidence what weighting formula Nielsen uses? Maybe that formula is published. It could be out there. But if not, you are wrong to assume. Because I offered a counterexample -- just not the one and only counterexample. Understand the purpose of a counterexample. Theoretically but unlikely, Nielsen could base its formula on my mobile data usage pattern that is perhaps 50 percent browser, 40 percent app, and only 10 percent video. AJ
  3. No, that depends upon how heavily Nielsen weights mobile video usage in its overall stats. For example, I stream almost zero mobile video or music. Nearly all of my mobile data usage is browser or app based. If "unlimited" and absent network prioritization, that data usage would not be throttled on T-Mobile. AJ
  4. Uh, yeah. A thread of nearly 3000 posts will have some tangents. Be happy that S4GRU even offers a T-Mobile thread, though we have had to shut it down and reboot it a few times because of trolling. AJ
  5. Nope, not really. The EARFCN may give a clue as to carrier bandwidth, but it is not definite. AJ
  6. Meh. I question whether Sensorly accurately can detect CA on most handsets. We have so many instances of broken engineering screens or non existent CA readouts. And we have no third party apps that can display CA. I doubt that Sensorly has figured it out. If so, then mikejeep and the other app programmers need to get cracking. AJ
  7. When LTE testifies against WiMAX, that can put LTE in danger. So, it enters the LTE protection program. An LTE site may get a new GCI or PCI and be relocated to another state. AJ
  8. Click on your forum avatar. You can find all of your forum posts from there. As for the PM issue, I have no clear idea. You are a relatively new member with only a few posts under your belt, so for spam/abuse prevention, you may be limited in your PM privileges at this point. Or it could be a glitch. Only Robert can address that. AJ
  9. Check your content. You have made 25 posts. Have you made more than that many? If not, your posts were merged into an existing thread. Look twice before starting a new thread. S4GRU dislikes thread clutter, and most topics already are under discussion. AJ
  10. Arysyn... I do not think that anyone at S4GRU makes light of your health issues. But multiple members have taken issue with your posts on seemingly incessant wireless service problems. Again, you come across as just remarkably unlucky -- or anal retentive, finding a fault in almost everything. Those posts annoy other members. And that becomes a problem for S4GRU. AJ
  11. You mean Gilda Radner? A brilliant sketch comedian who died too young. Yeah, I will take that as a compliment. Arysyn, either you are the Martin Short character in "Pure Luck" -- the unluckiest man in the world -- or you help bring these predicaments upon yourself. Because with you, yes, it's always something. One thing or another. AJ
  12. In terms of downlink versus uplink, TDD can be configured myriad ways. So, I am not sure why you insist on pushing this "12x6" equivalence. It is not really helpful. But if we are treading down that path, maybe we should describe a T-Mobile 20 MHz FDD market as really "5x20" -- because that downlink is getting pounded by overuse, while the uplink is still flying along. How is that for equivalence? Is that helpful? AJ
  13. Well, with both Roseanne Roseannadanna and Arysyn, it just goes to show you, it's always something. Something always is wrong. AJ
  14. Sprint is in the process of swapping around a lot of PCS spectrum with VZW, AT&T, and T-Mobile. That will affect band class 1 CDMA2000 carrier channel assignments. Those changes may precipitate multiple PRL updates. For reference, see current and future articles on The Wall. AJ
  15. "The world is full of bastards, the number increasing rapidly the further one gets from Missoula, MT." AJ
  16. No handset has implemented 4x4 downlink MIMO. That requires four discrete downlink antennas. Wake me when it happens. AJ
  17. Yeah there Skippy, look at those 2x2 downlink MIMO antennas contained within the Samsung Galaxy S7: https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/ViewExhibitReport.cfm?mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=AR4en7WJpgKHSJOXYVSLmA%3D%3D&fcc_id=A3LSMG930US Baseband modem capabilities are not the end all, be all. Actual implementation is everything. AJ
  18. And that is how wireless service should work. You can enter or leave at will. Sprint can raise or lower prices at will. For an analogy, I do not have a two year contract for $1.57/gal gas -- though I would accept that offer without hesitation. My favorite restaurant can increase the price of my favorite dish. Costs and prices fluctuate. If you do not like it, tough nuts. Go find a less expensive alternative. Or tell people to stop using so much "unlimited" data. Because that "unlimited" data usage is going through the roof and becoming more expensive to support at the CAPEX level. AJ
  19. It is exceedingly niche. Xiaomi has no brand recognition in the US. Even if this handset turned out to be Sprint network compatible with band class 10 support, no more than a few thousand would be activated on Sprint. That would not be worth the preparation and training required for BYOD. I would love to see numbers on even the 2015 Moto X and Nexus 5X activated BYOD on Sprint. Many of us here likely overestimate the importance and prevalence of non iPhone BYOD. AJ
  20. It may be missing band class 10. Or the specs may be incomplete -- with band class 0 and band class 10 wrapped together, since both are considered "800 MHz." Plus, if the specs are accurate, the handset does support band 26. So, it would seem curious that it supports band 26 and CDMA2000 but not band class 10. No matter. Network compatibility aside, I expect the chances of this niche Chinese handset on Sprint are slim to none. AJ
  21. Buy the extended warranty. Just like with plasma TVs, it covers liquid refills. AJ
  22. Yes, that would require a lot of machinations, since the PCS/AWS-2 H block and the AWS-4 flipped downlink would necessitate one or two more 3GPP bands to be standardized. Long story short, not gonna happen unless/until PCS A-F block spectrum is mostly additional LTE carriers. And that is around CDMA2000 shutdown -- years from now. AJ
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