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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. But why was the 4FF nano SIM even necessary? Hey, we should take something already small enough and make it marginally smaller so that it is not as easily compatible with the vast majority of non Apple products. The GSMA Kool-Aid drinkers who love their ability to swap phones should put that in their pipes and smoke it. AJ
  2. Your assertion does not make it true. Unlimited wireless broadband is not sustainable for both home and mobile use. Maybe it was about four years ago when Sprint started offering Clear WiMAX as its 4G solution, but circumstances have changed. At that time, smartphone penetration, especially 4G capable smartphone penetration, was much lower. Not to mention, peak speed expectations were also much lower. At 10 Mbps, Clear was thought to be blazingly fast. Now, 10 Mbps is considered to be on the slow end of the spectrum. On the home broadband side, cutting the cord to use streaming video was not nearly as prevalent as it is today. All of that adds up to a practically untenable situation. Like it or not, the big money is in mobile, not home broadband. Even VZ and AT&T -- if they get their way with regulators -- want to exit the slow growth home broadband business. So, when forced to choose, Sprint will side with mobile. AJ
  3. No, I am just teasing about going off of what people are "saying" online because that too often passes as fact. In this case, though, I guess we never did publish an official article on the Motorola X. But, rest assured, the Sprint variant is band 25 LTE 1900 only. AJ
  4. Right. And what people are "saying" is what really matters. AJ
  5. Sure, you can have carcinogenic Red #40. AJ
  6. Other than size, SIM cards are not device specific. That is part of what the GSM Kool-Aid drinkers love so much. AJ
  7. Yes, the current "cellular tax" for so equipped tablets is too high. AJ
  8. Oh, I know. I am just having some fun with the typical 3GPP bias. As for HD Voice, I have no need. Regardless, to most people, I sound like this... AJ
  9. Has not the market spoken, siding with Wi-Fi only tablets? AJ
  10. I think it safe to say that the Nexus 5 has AMR-WB support. AJ
  11. I doubt that most third party retailers would be willing to help you for free. They are in business for themselves -- they just happen to be reselling Sprint. AJ
  12. That is a nano SIM -- 4FF. While we are spreading the love, gotta love Apple for springing yet another iPhone motivated industry standard change on us. However, it should work with an appropriate adaptor. AJ
  13. In a post several weeks ago, Robert coined the phrase "nifty shit" in reference to T-Mobile. I liked it so much that I have continued to use it. But, yes, a picture would be worth a thousand words, 998 more than "nifty shit" alone. AJ
  14. Under current circumstances, unlimited WiMAX or LTE for both home and mobile usage just is not sustainable. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too. Home users sucking down 90 GB (or more) per month would limit capacity for mobile users, who would then complain about data speeds, as so many do now. AJ
  15. I assumed no such thing. Go back to what I wrote. Both assertions are true. If Best Buy goes down the toilet, then jobs are lost and leases are broken. On the latter count, so many cities have a glut of vacant "big box" real estate -- a real eyesore. AJ
  16. Yes, we need more people out of work and additional "big box" real estate left vacant. AJ
  17. The clear indication now is that Sprint placed the hold on the G2 release until November 8 so that it could be consistent with the other first round Sprint Spark tri band handsets. AJ
  18. No. We do not want to fragment related discussion among multiple threads. The aforementioned is the Nexus 5 preview/anticipation type thread. Once the first member has one in his hands, we will close that thread and open the Nexus 5 users thread, just as we did here with the G2. AJ
  19. Please use the quote function. Otherwise, we cannot tell to which post you are replying. At first glance, this comes across as a Sprint troll post. But I do not think you intended it that way. AJ
  20. Well, I have pending both G2 and Nexus 5 orders. Take that, The Dave! AJ
  21. If you do not want to wait at Google Play, Best Buy will have the 16 GB Nexus 5 available on the November 8 street date next week for the off contract low price of $800. Woot woot! http://www.bestbuy.com/site/nexus-5-with-16gb-memory-mobile-phone/2820006.p?id=1219078632516&skuId=2820006&st=nexus%205&cp=1&lp=1&contract_desc= AJ
  22. While in call, you will have to access the engineering screens to confirm the Service Option in use. AJ
  23. Wait, you get to have the Nexus 5 and the ICBMs? No fair! AJ
  24. Robert is asking for it. We may not be able to expedite the Nexus 5 shipments. But maybe we can redirect those ICBM silos in the Dakotas toward Rapid City if Robert gets a too big head. AJ
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