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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. And in related news, the rumour is that the British are taking back over the US. Colour me surprised. AJ
  2. For a traveling radius around you, wherever you go, it will take years. Maybe, it will never happen. Karma. AJ
  3. I recommend you appreciate the meaning of "In either regard" as both an introductory phrase and a qualifier. Do you get my drift? AJ
  4. I said basketball and sunflower, not football and edelweiss. Did I not make myself clear? AJ
  5. I say it evokes a basketball and a sunflower. Both are appropriate for Kansas, the home state of Sprint. In either regard, are you gonna mess with Kansas? I suggest not... AJ
  6. Actually, it is a pico SIM. Then, next year, Apple requires a femto SIM. AJ
  7. But unlike CDMA2000, the PRL just does not serve as a list of frequencies to direct the search. AJ
  8. About the CDMA1X 800 coverage difference, The Who put it best: I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles... AJ
  9. Shh, you dare not say this in any iOS thread. You could be shot on sight -- or is it on site? AJ
  10. No, those figures are all for Sprint variants. We have no need to run an article on the VZW variant Galaxy Note 3, but I have researched it and discussed it in private with Robert. In short, the Galaxy Note 3 for VZW does not measure well. AJ
  11. Welcome. I am the author responsible for most of S4GRU's FCC spectrum licensing and device authorization articles. We are not VZW4GRU, so we do not run articles on the RF capabilities of VZW devices. However, I do come across VZW handsets frequently in my FCC database research. And while high ERP/EIRP metrics do not necessarily define real world performance, do know that the VZW variant Galaxy Note 3 fares surprisingly low in its uplink power figures. And that may correlate with your hands on experience. AJ
  12. I encourage everyone to read Brian Klug's early look today at the Nexus 5. While his take is not a full review -- that is assuredly yet to come -- Brian is the best in the biz at high level technical analysis of current smartphones. But I also want to point out a certain paragraph in Brian's article: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7471/google-announces-the-nexus-5 Nearly two months ago -- thanks to the sharp eyes of Josh and Tim -- S4GRU was the little tech outlet that could, the one to break the story on the LG D820 not only as the potential Nexus successor but also as a tri band LTE handset almost certainly headed to Sprint. I think we set the stage for many articles published shortly thereafter and many still to come... http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-351-teaser-is-the-lg-d820-the-nexus-5/ AJ
  13. Oh, I know. I chose the words "supposed to" for intended purpose. Subway tunnel DAS even uses so called "leaky coax." AJ
  14. By the way, AnandTech has it, but I have not seen anyone else post it. This is the Spark marketing image: AJ
  15. Yep, CATV stomps all over the <1 GHz licensed wireless frequencies. Good news that CATV is supposed to be confined to the coax cable plant. For an interesting exercise, access your cable modem engineering screens... Well, look at that. Even in advance of the 600 MHz auction, I already have 600 MHz frequencies on my downlink. AJ
  16. Brian did not tell me in advance that he was doing so, but we received a nice reference from AnandTech's Brian Klug yesterday in his Spark article: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7472/sprint-announces-spark-its-triband-lte-network AJ
  17. I hid or removed all references to the LightSquared/GPS debate, but I left the discussion about FCC enforcement, as I do think that is a reasonable debate. I hope you do not mind. AJ
  18. As a wireless licensee, AT&T should not have to "work with" (read: pay off) the salon owner. Additionally, AT&T has no executive branch power. It cannot enforce regulations -- that is the job of the FCC. The commercial lighting in question is almost certainly out of tolerance spec, possibly due to manufacturing defect. If that is the case, the salon owner should not be held legally nor financially liable. But the owner should comply with the FCC. And the owner does not exactly come across as cooperative, quite possibly because he is a layperson mystified by the physics of the situation or someone looking for a payout from a huge telecom company. AJ
  19. The tradeoff I envision is that a device built for three 20 MHz TDD carrier aggregation with 8x8 MIMO may not be able to do anything but band 41 TD-LTE 2600. The at least 60 MHz of amp bandwidth, possibly from three separate amps, and the six additional Rx antennas required above and beyond 2x2 MIMO stand to take up the space and engineering that would be used for other bands and modes. AJ
  20. Maybe your Galaxy S3 is just freaky deaky. It has developed a taste for those longer 800 MHz wavelengths. Once you go long, you can never go wrong. AJ
  21. Do not cream your pants. Handsets are not going to aggregate three 20 MHz TDD carriers with 8x8 MIMO to achieve 1 Gbps throughput. It will not be implemented because it is impractical, downright ludicrous. AJ
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