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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. No, you are confusing high and low, above and below. AJ
  2. Indeed, the time division signal bursts from all of those rural GSM only sites attract alien attention. AJ
  3. And the move completely negates the Joe Blow psychological benefit of "more bars" from CDMA1X 800. I do not approve. AJ
  4. Uh, Ryan, Robert said 30 percent of T-Mobile's geographic footprint, not total sites. Go back and read his post. AJ
  5. Let me guess -- you wear Bad Idea Jeans... AJ
  6. So, part of Network Vision is pole enhancement? AJ
  7. I think it safe to say that your G2 does not have your back. AJ
  8. I cannot speak to the extent of its agreement with Cincinnati Bell, but T-Mobile has many wide open roaming agreements with smaller, rural GSM based operators. AJ
  9. The license in question is the AWS B block license for the St. Louis BEA. It overlies the PCS market that USCC is exiting, and it was never constructed. So, USCC has no use for it any longer. I called this shot a year ago in my article: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-334-updated-sprint-uscc-spectrum-deal-sprint-gets-20-mhz-broader-in-the-city-of-broad-shoulders/ AJ
  10. CDMA1X and EV-DO are always separate signals. Your handset and Android version are irrelevant. Sprint has no "2G." CDMA1X and EV-DO are both "3G," so stock Sprint smartphones display either "3G" or "4G." AJ
  11. No, other GSM based providers do still exist. However, the only one in a major market is Cincinnati Bell. AJ
  12. Maybe. It sounds like the guy who bought the G2 with no back plate got a "free case" out of the deal. AJ
  13. Yes, trying to breathe through your ears and eat through your nose does not work well. But many have to learn that the hard way. AJ
  14. Therein lies the essence of life -- figuring out what hole is used for what purpose. AJ
  15. Hmm, that greeting is really played out now. We need an edgier welcome... AJ
  16. The problem is likely teasing the APN file out of the mobile hotspots. I am sure that many have the requisite skills to do so, but the process is not the same as in Android handsets, as the hotspots are running some other light OS. That said, we should practically expect any day now a hotspot running Android. AJ
  17. Apparently, nobody noticed this exchange from last summer... AJ
  18. While "never" is probably too strong a word, I think you misunderstand the essence of MrZorbatron's comment. He is excluding high speed data from the comparison. As a basic phone service, Sprint is far more available and reliable than is T-Mobile. Sprint may not have great in building coverage, but on the whole, it is certainly superior to that of T-Mobile. And Sprint has the broadest ranging domestic roaming agreements in the industry to serve as in market and out of market backup. On the other hand, T-Mobile subs are far too often left with no service or emergency only service. This happens in rural areas where no GSM type network is available and even in suburban dead zones where T-Mobile roaming on AT&T is prohibited. AJ
  19. No, scratch that. I saw the mention of the iPhone 5C, but I did not notice the other handsets in question. The iPhone 4S and Palm Pixi are not CDMA1X 800 capable. AJ
  20. I will bet dollars to donuts that this is, indeed, a CDMA1X 800 issue. The symptoms just add up -- voice and SMS on CDMA1X are non functional in certain geographic areas, while data on EV-DO and LTE is functional everywhere. AJ
  21. You created a separate thread to ask the same question. Please leave it at one or the other -- do not cross post. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4909-sprint-store-or-regular-retailer/ AJ
  22. Robert brings out the Loverboy in all of us. Everyone's watching to see what you will do-nate... AJ
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