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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Pojoaque and Tesuque are too far north. Pojoaque is basically where Robert lived. No, this is a few miles off the Relief Route due west of Santa Fe. AJ
  2. Sending SMS via LTE has nothing to do with e/CSFB. As I stated earlier, I was sending SMS via LTE in my experiment a year ago. Now, any fallback for SMS would not be to eHRPD. It would be to CDMA1X, which should be how your Note 2 sends SMS, since it supports SVLTE. AJ
  3. I do not understand your question. Can you clarify? AJ
  4. So, if I am reading this correctly, you have also been able to send SMS over LTE. Is that accurate? If so, it follows some seemingly anomalous behavior that I discovered a year ago. I found that the EVO LTE oddly could still send SMS while set to LTE Only mode; it just could not receive SMS while set to LTE Only mode. I ran a few experiments with Robert, and we confirmed that behavior using just the stock messaging app. The unaccounted for variable, however, was Google Voice integration, since my primary Sprint number is integrated with Google Voice, the Google Voice app was installed on the EVO LTE, and the app sends pseudo SMS over data. AJ
  5. That individual seemingly knows just enough to be dangerous -- and to spout a bunch of bullshit. I am no fan of the 600 MHz auction, but if 600 MHz required the spatial reuse that the poster purports, then Upper/Lower 700 MHz currently in use among VZW, AT&T, and USCC would require roughly 15 mile site spacing. Wrong! Those licensees have plenty of sites only a mile apart or even less. Within reason, ERP/EIRP gets adjusted accordingly. A person has to be way out of his pay grade if he thinks that all sites are transmitting at the same power levels. AJ
  6. If you were downloading or streaming data at the time, the fallback to CDMA1X definitely could matter. AJ
  7. Well, you know what they say about guys with really big hands, Beavis... Yeah, yeah...they wear really big gloves. AJ
  8. Have you read over the Cincinnati thread the past two weeks? Did you notice that it was already shut down once during that span? Can you appreciate that your passive aggressive attitude is not helping matters? AJ
  9. Sending and receiving SMS are two different issues. Which did you do? AJ
  10. Uh, the sex phone has been around for a long time... AJ
  11. From my reading of various Qualcomm and 3GPP standards documents, I believe that I am correct. But somebody can try an experiment. Start downloading a large file. Then, using a different handset or an outside service, send yourself an SMS. What happens? It should not cause reselection from LTE to CDMA1X because an SMS is just a few hundred bytes -- not worth switching airlinks. AJ
  12. Nope. HTC gets it right. The top is the proper placement for the power button. Anywhere else is too easily confused with other button locations. AJ
  13. That is correct. With e/CSFB, paging channel traffic -- incoming call pages, SMS -- can tunnel through LTE. This is why those can be received more quickly. They are no longer beholden to the CDMA1X slot cycle, which typically causes a handset to awaken and listen to its paging channel only every 5.12 sec. AJ
  14. The fact of the matter is that Cincinnati is a later round market. Compounding that, it is a Motorola legacy infrastructure market, and Motorola does not play nicely with Samsung. As such, Cincinnati is going to be near the back of the line. The sad part is that much of the bitching and moaning is coming from sponsors. Now, S4GRU appreciates the financial support, but along with that support comes access to privileged information. Sponsors have a responsibility then to do their due diligence. We have been fully forthright about Cincinnati and other markets (e.g. I am talking to you, Phoenix) lagging behind the earlier round markets. The info is there -- sponsors should not act surprised or disappointed by the results. So, in the end, sponsors can weigh their priorities and make up their own minds. S4GRU is not a Sprint recruitment nor retention web site. Anyone who thinks that the grass is greener on the other side with another provider, go try it out. But staying and whining about your current plight does nothing constructive. AJ
  15. Yes, you are right. You discovered the secret. Sprint plans to let Network Vision deployment linger in the Queen City until the Sun goes red giant and engulfs the Earth. Cincinnati thread, you have been warned multiple times. Do you want to be productive? Or do you want to be banned? Your choice... AJ
  16. Well, 65535 is a null value. That periodic flicker seems to be an LG and/or Samsung engineering screen phenomenon. To be completely accurate, though, unless the handset is transmitting, it is not truly connected to any uplink carrier, hence the null value. AJ
  17. I would not count on that. My order from Sprint Worldwide still has not been fulfilled after nearly a month. Sprint has little interest in supply SIMs for off contract devices, and I can understand that. It is a Wireless Lifestyle location, and I practically guarantee that it clearly says so on the front door. I am surprised that you were not aware of that. Even Lawrence does not have a corporate Sprint store. Only VZW and AT&T have corporate stores in town. All others are authorized third parties. AJ
  18. For engineers and technicians working for wireless operators, yes. For even advanced wireless consumers, not really. At a bare minimum, you need a few grand for a spectrum analyzer and a few years of engineering expertise. AJ
  19. That was no big deal. All of the conversation was just blah blah blah bratwurst...blah blah blah lederhosen...blah blah blah David Hasselhoff. AJ
  20. Are you suggesting that I am not good, not young, or both? AJ
  21. Your handset has only one active radio path. With a fringe LTE signal, it needs some time to sort out its connection. Will it be LTE, eHRPD, or CDMA1X? It has to test them sequentially, not simultaneously. This is nothing unusual. AT&T and T-Mobile users, for example, drop down to W-CDMA to make/receive calls. In some cases, they will not reacquire LTE for several minutes. AJ
  22. Yes, only the good subs get the eHERPIES. And then they die young -- because only the good die young. AJ
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