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S4GRU Staff Member
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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at the hardcore gamers... AJ
  2. First, if your refrigerator is running, you had better go catch it. As for LTE in my market, initial deployment is about 90 percent complete. AJ
  3. No, I like to put it a bit more forcefully... AJ
  4. In Network Vision, the entire network is the priority. Sprint has made seemingly no moves to prioritize business districts, stadiums, amusement parks, etc. Those sites will be completed as soon as possible, just like other sites. AJ
  5. This thread comes across as "trollish." The title, in particular, is terrible. If members want to use this thread to ask questions and clear up misconceptions, that is fine. But staff will be watching and may close the thread if it becomes a problem. AJ
  6. Do not take this the wrong way, but you wrote several hundred words more than necessary. You misunderstood my point about someone who has to "worry about" financing a handset. AJ
  7. Your reasoning is flawed. A house is not an apt comparison to a phone. Now, if every Joe Blow were financing a $400,000 house, then that would actually serve my comparison, since many would be stretching for more house than they really need or can afford. My point is this: a person who has to worry about financing a $600 handset is probably in over his head. He would be better served with an older high end, used high end, or lesser model handset at a much lower price. It is not a human right to possess a top of the line handset -- but that has become the mindset due to upgrade subsidy. AJ
  8. I am unclear as to why you are so concerned about the cross upgrade issue, since subsidized upgrades will be history soon anyway. I can basically guarantee that grandfathered plans will be lost upon future subsidized upgrades, thereby moving people over to new non subsidy plans. AJ
  9. I am not familiar with the "cross upgrade" situation. But I look at this as a more systemic issue. Are too many people running around with handsets above their pay grade? Because of the iPhone and high end Android handsets, we have gotten to the point that a huge percentage of subs are driving the wireless equivalents of Mercedes S-Class sedans. But just as most of those people cannot afford to drive brand new Mercedes, they may need to better match their wireless devices to their income levels. AJ
  10. Well, the writing is on the wall that we are all going to give up subsidized devices sooner or later, as those plans are going the way of the dodo. At first blush, that seems a raw deal to some. However, we will gain more transparent pricing on both service plans and devices. Moreover, since devices will not be tied to contracts, their prices should become better stratified and trend lower because of retail competition. Plus, there may be some great deals for those of us who do not need to finance, who want to pay in full upfront. Now, those advancements may not emerge overnight, and the transition period may be a bit painful. But change is coming -- it is inevitable. AJ
  11. To put in perspective, though, VZW and AT&T are not necessarily doing any better with their respective LTE 750 and LTE 700 single 10 MHz FDD carriers. They each have twice the bandwidth but also twice the subs. Honestly, some of you may just need to lower your expectations about data use in densely crowded locations. Too many people have smartphones and want to use too much data. The problem is not going to get that much better without massive deployment of small cells -- similar to that of municipal Wi-Fi -- and that will take years to accomplish. AJ
  12. Your Framily has disowned you. The humor is not difficult. You make it too easy. AJ
  13. I am anything but normal, thank you. AJ
  14. No, Josh, I am on top of my game. Sprint introduces a new plan called "Framily." I suggest that you need a note from your "Mrother." AJ
  15. It also made prank phone calls far more fun when I was a kid. No caller ID, no *69. So, poring though an actual phone book, calling up people in my small town in the middle of the night, and admonishing in an old lady voice, "Mabel, get your dog out of my yard!" -- well, it was possible. Of course, this was also before cellphones became commonplace. So, people had to be reached on landlines wherever they were. And there was the time that we called up Wendy's around dinnertime and requested that the restaurant ask if Mr. Jass, first name Hugh, was there. Over the phone, we heard announced into the restaurant, "Hey, is there a Hugh Jass here?" AJ
  16. Staff is still discussing whether S4GRU should serve as a Framily "exchange," where members can join or form Framily groups. We hope to arrive at a formal decision very soon. In the meantime, if you sign up for Framily, please do not post your code. The post will be hidden. Thanks for your cooperation... AJ
  17. You should go back and reread my post carefully. If you still do not get it, well, have you completed your required sarcasm assignments from Sheldon yet? AJ
  18. It is mainly more of the usual magenta fellatio from the tech press. They love the foul mouthed Legere and "rock star" Ray. Sascha has even said that he uses T-Mobile for his personal lines. Plus, he comes across as a downtown kind of guy, probably flying everywhere, rarely leaving cities. AJ
  19. No, the UHF channel 51 issues will linger for years until the 600 MHz spectrum below gets reverse auctioned, repacked, and forward auctioned -- whenever that actually happens. True, in some markets, channel 51 may have been relocated. Dallas is on the original channel 51 service contours map, but it is now mentioned as an unencumbered market. Either T-Mobile made a mistake, or channel 51 is no longer in service in Dallas. However, Dallas appears to be the exception. Other major markets -- New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Phoenix, Kansas City, Cincinnati -- are still encumbered. AJ
  20. You can just walk in. But be sure to bring a signed permission slip from your Mrother. AJ
  21. On the downlink, a 20 MHz TDD carrier has 100 RBs -- the same as in 20 MHz FDD carrier. AJ
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