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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Oh, come on. The baseband chipset is not the whole issue. The entire RF front end -- baseband, power amps, antennas -- affects handset performance. If you are not happy with the LG G2 in that regard, it is not likely to improve. AJ
  2. I read the article. But I stopped short of the comments. Rest assured, a certain crowd will get its magenta panties in a wad. AJ
  3. No doubt. I see my mirror image, and it is striking. Plus, my posts and articles reflect a remarkable intellect. Scary, indeed... AJ
  4. If magenta can get sub 1 GHz spectrum nationwide and if it can "modernize" its entire network, then Sprint is basically toast. SoftBank backed the wrong horse. But those are big ifs... AJ
  5. Nope, again, that is looking a gift horse in the mouth. I like the attitude of take it or leave it. That has become my stance with all of the annoying complainers. Let the chips fall where they may... AJ
  6. And I agree to a point. But Sprint has enough technical training issues as it is. Trying to support an outside the box IMEI/MEID addition system would just add to the headache. In the end, you may be right. Sprint probably cannot afford it. Euro centric 3GPP only crap is taking over the wireless industry in this sovereign nation. That is ridiculous, and I hate it. But it is happening. So, if Sprint's restrictive policies cause it to founder, let us find out. Bring it on. I am tired of the debate. AJ
  7. To add to my previous post, as the saying goes, this is why we cannot have nice things... AJ
  8. And this is one reason why I suspect that Sprint may not be a part of the next Nexus handset. It is too much trouble. Sprint actually got the Nexus 5. Let me repeat that. Sprint actually got the Nexus 5. Right there, that is a win, that should be enough. But some of you just cannot stop looking a gift horse in the mouth. If you want a no questions asked SIM swap system, go love you some lilypads of high frequency magenta. Just go away, please. AJ
  9. That is correct. And as I posted previously, that is because T-Mobile is a purely 3GPP operator. Almost any modern device with a removable SIM will work in some capacity on T-Mobile. The same is not true for Sprint. But if you want that Euro loving namby pamby openness, then by all means, go to magenta. AJ
  10. Yes, but that would not be a so called "8*8" aka 8 MHz FDD carrier. Plus, go back and check my FCC OET authorization article series. As I recall, you will not find many Sprint handsets that support the 3 MHz FDD bandwidth configuration for band 25. AJ
  11. It is not my call. But I think staff consensus is that if you are an established S4GRU member and would like to share your Framily ID, that is currently okay. However, if you have joined very recently and are here primarily to harvest additional Framily, we will likely hide your post. AJ
  12. The solution is simple. Stop using Yabba-dabba-dotalk. You have a smartphone with a capable browser and high res screen. A mobile forum proxy is an entirely unnecessary middleman. AJ
  13. How? You need to substantiate this with solid evidence before you make such an assertion. AJ
  14. Wow, I had no idea that Terrell is a member of 3GPP and secured approval of a new 8 MHz FDD bandwidth configuration. AJ
  15. Yeah, good luck with that American Express prepaid card. AJ
  16. I have no problem with Sprint sticking to its guns on the no MEID addition policy. Since Sprint is primarily a 3GPP2 operator, it is just simpler this way -- if it is listed in the database, then it is guaranteed compatible. Otherwise, Sprint is going to have to deal with thousands of stupid people who think that they can now activate anything with a SIM slot. That works on magenta and those other Euro loving 3GPP bandwagon jumpers, but it will not work on Sprint. AJ
  17. This may be a magenta problem. If T-Mobile now owns that lot of Nexus 5s for sale, it has no incentive to share those MEIDs with Sprint for database inclusion. AJ
  18. No, that is the Ng Lexus 5. It is from Vietnam. AJ
  19. That has nothing to do with Bluegrass, though. You want Sprint to acquire Bluegrass, but that ship has sailed. Bluegrass is effectively a VZW affiliate now. AJ
  20. Too late. If I recall correctly, Bluegrass is part of VZW's insidious LTE in Rural America program. VZW will acquire Bluegrass in the coming years. Mark my words. AJ
  21. Regarding use of the USCC spectrum, no one knows for sure. My gut feeling is that it will be a mix of LTE and EV-DO. In particular, the contiguity of existing Sprint PCS D block spectrum to the acquired USCC PCS B block spectrum will allow Sprint to drop guard bands between the two and fill it with an EV-DO carrier. Then, expect a second 5 MHz FDD LTE carrier. I wrote an article on the USCC spectrum deal about a year ago. You will find more of this kind of discussion in the article and the comments, again linked below. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-334-updated-sprint-uscc-spectrum-deal-sprint-gets-20-mhz-broader-in-the-city-of-broad-shoulders/ AJ
  22. Not exactly. Assuming this all comes to pass, UHF TV licensees will sufficiently participate in the reverse auction. After the FCC has reacquired that spectrum, UHF TV channel allocations will be repacked -- meaning that any remaining broadcasters in the UHF TV channel 38-51 range may be forced to move to open UHF channels below that range. And that will free up contiguous swaths of spectrum. AJ
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