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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. As Deval stated, LinkedIn is a good place. Social Media in general now is a great way to look for jobs and network with people. That is the biggest thing is networking. Also, make as many friends in school as you can, both students and professors. I got into the industry by a recommendation from one of my dad's friends. Good luck
  2. Not that I don't agree with everyone and thanking all the staff plus other individuals for all their hard work and effort given into this site, and all of their knowledge they have so gracefully shared, but can we start getting this thread back onto topic? In less than a week Sprint will post their 1Q 2015 earning, what are some hopes/predictions? Do you think they may disucss the Hispanic demographic regarding the addition of Roger Solé, or maybe see new plans, updates on their network? I would like to see some postpaid additions, even if it isn't a lot. I would also like to here more news about their network and what they are planning on for the future.
  3. There is already a topic for this http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6895-sprint-and-new-website-design/
  4. I am glad to see they have multiple options for the back cover. Anyone know what is so special about the Quantum IPS display they are talking about?
  5. Well this helps clear some things up. I still don't know if I care for the leather back. http://www.cnet.com/news/lg-confirms-quad-hd-display-and-leather-back-for-g4/
  6. I know what you really meant, I was just kidding.
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