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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. I am glad to see this happening, though many people (magentans *cough* *cough*) won't see through the rosy glasses and pink fog and still say Sprint blah blah. All I can say is..
  2. Thank you Robert. Many of us here understand you're very busy and we appreciate all you do for this site. Work comes first, even when we don't want it too. Whenever you get a chance to finish it is fine. and
  3. I am excited to see the details of the expansion and densication of the network. Currently "Sprints network spending seems to be slowing down, but will soon ramp up again"http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/analysts-sprints-network-spending-slowing-down-will-soon-ramp-densification/2015-07-06
  4. I could see that being a good option for some people actually. Have a plan or option that if you use your data allotment, your data will get shut off.
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