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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. I am still confused as to why Sprint will only use about 1/3 of the retail space in the store. I would think it would be better if Sprint could just buyout the entire store. Does anyone know the reasoning behind that?
  2. Maybe I need to buy some shares now...
  3. No matter what happens, some people will be for and some people will be against this. I don't see this getting enacted anytime soon. I am guessing it will be awhile before these laws take place. I for one am okay with it.
  4. What is every ones thought on this? You think it is good or bad? It will be interesting to see what happens and how many lawsuits follow this. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/fcc-approves-net-neutrality-rules-wireless-putting-future-zero-rating-plans/2015-02-26
  5. I think either size screen would be nice to have. I know G3 has a small bezel around the screen, and I heard a possibility of a bezeless phone, so maybe even with a 5.3" it will still look and feel amazing? We can only speculate for now and maybe get some news next week at MWC.
  6. Robert, couldn't you take the old Nextel Decommissioned Map and just update that with the ones that will be converted? I would think that may be the easiest, but then again, what do I know.
  7. I would like to see the same thing, but I don't believe anyone knows which sites are going to be upgraded yet. Maybe in the near future we will have more information on which sites will be converted.
  8. In the future once we get more specifications on what iDEN sites are being converted, have you thought about creating a new map to show which iDEN sites are being converted or just add them onto the NV Sites Map? I'm looking forward to seeing how much more the coverage grows.
  9. I didn't see a thread for the LG G4 and I know nothing has been officially announced, but anyone have any rumors of specs? I heard they could either use the Snapdragon 810, or they have their own octa-core processor. I also heard it may be a little smaller than the G3 coming it at 5.3" with a QHD display. http://www.techradar.com/us/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/lg-g4-what-we-want-to-see-1266879
  10. They have loyalty programs for us... http://www.sprint.com/landings/loyalty/loyaltypays.html Now I don't consider those real great options, but then again in a way they don't have to offer us anything more than their service we pay for. On that note, I do agree it would be nice to have some special perks for those loyal customers, aka (us) *cough cough*
  11. Of course this is all John Legere cares about. He wants to be #3 so bad. http://www.theverge.com/2015/2/19/8069193/john-legere-says-t-mobile-bigger-than-sprint
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