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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. I've been wanting/needing a new phone and I don't need 3x ca but I really want it. I can wait
  2. Isn't part of Sprints network optimization to have users on b41 and b25 99% of them time and then if necessary put them on b26? I thought the network is supposed to be smart to put users on the best band possible?
  3. 800 can be used near borders, it just needs to be cleared with the government first and other countries.
  4. Very true, well said. EDIT: He is aiming for the network to be no. 1 or 2 in 12-24 months and within 3-5 years have Sprint profitable and have a good image again among consumers. (I'm speculating)
  5. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprints-claure-gives-himself-3-5-years-turnaround-after-1-year-job/2015-08-25 Marcelo is saying he gives himself 3 to 5 years to turn Sprint around. What happened to the 24 months of being no. 1 or 2 for the network?
  6. Anything can happen. I could see Sprint becoming #2 if Softbank will keep providing them funding. T-Mobile doesn't have the financial backing right now so I don't see that happening.
  7. I haven't heard anything on this for awhile. I still hope Sprint won't sell any of their 2.5Ghz spectrum http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/analyst-verizon-considers-sprints-25-ghz-spectrum-option-no-deals-are-motio/2015-07-29
  8. John knows nothing about wireless, at least not to the extent of there praised savior Neville Ray. John is more like Adam from Adam and Eve. He gets things going, takes a piece of forbidden fruit and then disappears.
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