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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. Has anyone seen the Sprint narwhal commercial? I just saw it but can't find it online anywhere. I wasn't a big fan of that one, but here is hoping it works.
  2. You may be right. It will go from yellow to say gold? Sprint could be the new Gold Tier network
  3. http://www.cnet.com/news/sprint-ceo-t-mobile-in-for-a-rude-awakening-in-network-battle/ Marcelo lets action speak in regards to root metrics scores. "I think Legere is in for a rude awakening when new scores come out about network performance," We all know this was bound to happen, and I think this year we will see much better scores.
  4. I can see 300 Million Pop's with LTE by end of year and 200 Million POPs for 2.5 by the end of the year. You heard it here first
  5. Crazy Train http://youtu.be/3MLp7YNTznE
  6. I was surprised this morning and saw I had a system update. Does anyone have an idea on what it may have done?
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