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Everything posted by scubajwd

  1. To the OP: 3G here in the Las Vegas Valley & Henderson has never been better; everywhere I go I have 5 to 6 bars even deep in the bowels of some casinos & malls; we've seen massive 3G improvements here with the NV upgrades...so as a long time Sprint sub also I couldn't be happier at the moment with NV (and I've yet to connect my GS3 to LTE, btw).. so unless your livelihoods depend on data downloads on Smartphones I'd sit tight
  2. Sadly, with Sprint continuing to bleed subs we may have more of this blood-letting before the NEW Sprint has a chance to strut it's stuff; when you get behind the curve in technology it's very,very hard to keep market share; the landscape is littered with corpses: CDC, DEC Vax,Univac,the inital Apple (prior to iPod/iPhone), SGI,Sun Micro...these are just a few I can remember...Sprint can do what Apple did but someone with deep pockets has to have a vision that extends beyond a year or two
  3. David, thanx for the update; here in the Las Vegas/Henderson area we have limited LTE as well and I use my Tri-Fi daily with Wimax (getting a 55-60 dBm signal in the house consistently); may I ask why you gave up your tri-fi if your area is still weak with LTE as mine is?
  4. Can't help myself..lived in Denver for almost 30 years..raised two kids who both are actually productive adults paying taxes into the system read->not just consumers and facebook addicts! Denver, when I moved there is 1971 from Utah had <1 Mil people plenty of open areas and easy to get to the ski areas..fast fwd 42 years and > 4 Mil people for Denver...whatever Denver had over LA/OC is long gone..take it from someone that has lived it! The Eagles Hit Paradise Lost applies to other places besides SoCal, methinks...God, Robert will kill me for this one!
  5. Still good info.. I may risk an overage this month just to prove that the tiers are not cumulative as two Sprint CS reps told me..the overwhelming opinion here in S4GRU is that you get a new fresh data bucket every time you change tier
  6. Almost 17 GB in one month no overages but you did have two different devices..yup interesting
  7. This particular site is collocated with Sprint; in this case rather than rush to get TD-LTE out will they wait for the full build out of NV at this site? What was the determining factor in the Denver push on TD-LTE?
  8. I'll keep everyone posted on TD-LTE deployment here in my neck of the woods as I drive by and use the Wimax tower that is 1 1/2 miles (as the crow flies) from my house.. I use it every day..when it goes dark we can all celebrate!
  9. Rats!! Looks like Sprint is keeping the Zing for themselves..my Tri-Fi is due for an upgrade in January so I'll wait; not much LTE around here (yet) anyway but I'm really hoping for some Band 41 for the two wimax towers near my house!!
  10. Happy Zing owners, (including you, Robert) if I buy the device outright does Sprint force me into a 2 Yr contract in order to get it activated? Are there other activation alternatives? I notice Ting does not offer it nor others I've looked at..TIA
  11. "SoftBank is putting TD-LTE 2600 on every single Clearwire WiMax site. They are now on 5,000 or so. They are trying to push up the deadline and may be able to get this done 1st quarter 2014" Oh Please....yes yes yes! I'll gladly give up my Wimax and take a bullet for the team even if it takes a few months here in the Vegas area!!!
  12. Keep us all posted on your activities with band 41; I have two CLWR (wimax) towers near me that I get Wimax on and they make great candidates for an LTE makeover as they are collocated with Sprint ; the Sprint gear is in the process of upgrades (one is completed awaiting backhaul)..so I see a Zing in my future (I hope)
  13. So, delta, been a while since you posted..how is the Zing working out in your fringe LTE location? Did you get any help from an external antenna? I'm getting -114 dBm fringe signal myself at the house (won't connect) and wonder if the Zing would connect..
  14. Ouch..only a year away! Doesn't seem possible given that so many Wimax markets are many many months from being launched (including my market here in Las Vegas which probably won't launch totally for another 12 months at todays progress)
  15. Your phone downloaded data via 3G most likely...600 K (if that's what you meant) is less than one (1) MB of data so it could be an app update or two on your smartphone..
  16. At fashion show mall today..No LTE but had very good 3G signal most everywhere I went inside
  17. What could possibly motivate you to return to Sprint when it seems that you are enjoying nirvana with AT&T? Cost of nirvana per chance or is it something else? Just curious..don't be offended it's just that I watch to many detective pictures and motives always seem to matter; someone that knows your area will attempt to answer your questions but in the end a cellular experience (like real estate) is all local..where you live and where you go!
  18. So, Robert, if that is the case then if one cleverly games the tiering system, ie 3-6-12 for my Trifi on the very last day of my cycle I switch to 12 GB and commence to consume 12 GB of data and ONLY be charged with 1/30 ($79) for that single day on the tier...hard to believe Sprint would allow this..I've never been brave enough to at least confirm this pricing stratagem for fear of a massive overage charge..doing the math one can download up to 21 GB of data for just a bit over $35 if one had need for a lot of data at the end of his cycle.. As I stated above on two occasions with two different Sprint CS reps that the hotspot quota can NEVER exceed 12 GB and that it IS cumulative as one changes tiers..I also stated that I do NOT know for sure how this works never risking an overage to find out..let us know what your charges end up being for your three changes and the total GB's consumed, please..
  19. Good luck..keep us posted on what your charges turn out to be..
  20. I believe you are right on this but I've had one Sprint CS rep tell me that they add and are cumulative and in no case can one consume more than 12 GB total w/o overage charges..I have not dared to test this as the overage charges are extreme..
  21. I understood your dilemma; and it relates to what I wrote; the only way to know how the tier/pricing works is to risk an overage; if (in my case) the sum of my two tier cycle exceeds 6 GB's then I get hit with an overage charge; if they don't add and I get away with 9 GB on a hybrid 6 GB plan then I truly do get a new 6GB bucket; this applies in your case then when you swapped devices and got a "new" tier or data bucket; but if you exceed 12 GB and it appears you will then you'll be hit with an overage if the two plans in your case are cumulative; as I've said before I truly do NOT know how Sprint handles this; theoretically I could wait till the very last day of my cycle, switch to the 12 GB plan from my present 6GB plan and burn thru 12 GB in ONE day at 1/30 ($79) if proration just depends on the days at a tier not on the amount of data consumed..
  22. No worries..I assumed the sarcasm was in place...there are not too many offensive folks that hang out here and those that are offensive are soon run out of town! Cheers..
  23. Interesting question that I've wondered about also; I've called Sprint CS three times to have them tell me how the tier usage/costs work and I've gotten three different answers; I have a Tri-Fi that I start out at 3 GB in my cycle and as I blow thru 3GB I online upgrade to 6GB; it appears from the Sprint billing online that indeed as someone above mentioned that I get the full 6GB bucket even tho I've blown by the 3 GB earlier BUT I'M NOT SURE..and the overage charges are killers...don't go there! One CS rep told me the max for a hotspot is 12 GB..so if I do the math I could do my initial 3 GB in say 14 days=$17 prorated and the full 6GB= $25 ($49/2) and I end up consuming 9 GBs for $42! The 6GB plan is $49 so I;m getting 9GBs for $42 if this is correct..a loophole someone said above..proration only seems to be on the number of days on a tier and not tied to the data you have consumed..your mileage may vary!!
  24. Don't be too hard on the general public; like their toaster they just want their cell phone to work; they could care less about the speeds & feeds!
  25. Incredible! 8 Miles away & inside! Holy Sheet! and at -113dBm!
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