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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. It's not a WiMax thing-- it's a 2.5 GHz thing. When you get above 2 GHz, you get close to a harmonic resonance of the hydrogen bonds in a water molecule-- this is why microwave ovens operate at 2.4 GHz. The dielectric heating effect at this frequency is highly effective on water molecules.

    The water molecules absorb some of the RF energy and reduce the propagation of the signal.


    That explains it all. Thanks. Never knew that.

  2. I think October is a good release time for the iPhone, it is still fresh in December which makes for a lot of Christmas presents.


    Maybe that was the reason they moved the release of the 4S to October to make it more popular for Christmas time! I prefer a summer release, but I can't be picky, lol.

  3. It will have some effect, especially the heaviest of storms. But not as bad as 2500/2600.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner


    Hopefully it won't be enough to drop the LTE signal to nothing like what happens to me here on 2600.

  4. We haven't had any rain in Northern New Mexico since the week after Labor Day last September. :(


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner


    That sucks. :(


    Heavy precipitation can degrade WiMax performance if it is solid between your device and the tower. But it isn't a WiMax thing so much as its a 2500/2600 thing.


    LTE on 1900 will be less affected. And on 800, minimally effected.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner


    Glad to know that rain won't affect LTE on 1900. Thanks! :)

  5. so then how much dose it cost to become a member? is it like a monthly thing or once i pay im a full member forever?


    If you donate money you become a sponsor. If you donate $100 or more you become a Premium Sponsor with added benefits.


    Check here for the list of benefits for becoming a S4GRU Sponsor: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/page/index.html/_/announcements/s4gru-member-ranks-and-groups-r20

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  6. I personally have an Airave and can verify that this is about correct. Depends on the construction type of the home or business, but the figures are about right. Put one in the center of your home and it will cover the entire home unless you have a very big mansion.


    How accurate is the GPS after it is moved away from the window?

  7. What's rain??? :lol::rofl::lol:


    Come to the Lower Central Valley of California and you will see what rain is. All afternoon yesterday and all night last night.

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