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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. Ah, but you log in online. So if you say you want it, no need to ask you twice.




    A couple keyboards you might want to try out to see if they are laggy on the EVo Shift Josh,


    https://play.google....e=search_result ICS keyboard.


    http://forum.xda-dev...ad.php?t=942743 WP7 styled keyboard


    https://play.google....pt.adaptxt.beta Adaptxt Keyboard


    Otherwise, there should be a couple already installed. The traditional Android keyboard and the HTC one and possibly more depending on what the ROM you are running has.


    For some reason the ICS keyboard isn't working. When I get more time, I will try the WP7 Style one, and if that doesn't work, then I will try the other.


    EDIT: Hey, it's my 1000th Post since joining the Forums! B)

    • Like 3
  2. So, I admit this, the wife has a iPod. She wanted it to integrate with the Sync system in the truck... After many painstaking hours of putting all the music she wanted on there originally and then weeding out the stuff she decided she didn't want after all (this is all MP3s that I ripped from my own CD collection and hers) very few that were bought off iTunes. Now, she tells me she wants more songs on there from new CDs that we bought. I plug it in and am prompted to update the firmware on the iPod. It will completely wipe all songs off the iPod and I will have to spend all those hours putting the songs back on there because Apple decided that they want to encode everything on the iPod. Yes, I know I can jailbreak it, but I don't feel like learning how to jailbreak because this is the only piece of Apple technology I will ever own. I also know that there is software that will pull the songs off of the iPod but the free ones lose the embedded info and the pay ones are not free.


    Long story short. My wife's iPod is just another fragmented device on an old software version because Apple wants me to buy everything off iTunes. I will never update the firmware.


    That is part of their problem. They force you to delete everything on the device, not just update the software. They were a match made in heaven with the evil empire of AT&T.


    On the iTunes window there is a checkbox labeled: 'Convert Higher Bit Rate songs to...' If that is checked it will mess the songs up. I had problems on my 3Gs as a result. Plus if you changed computers since you first set up the iPod could cause more trouble for you.

  3. A couple keyboards you might want to try out to see if they are laggy on the EVo Shift Josh,


    https://play.google....e=search_result ICS keyboard.


    http://forum.xda-dev...ad.php?t=942743 WP7 styled keyboard


    https://play.google....pt.adaptxt.beta Adaptxt Keyboard


    Otherwise, there should be a couple already installed. The traditional Android keyboard and the HTC one and possibly more depending on what the ROM you are running has.


    Thanks. I am trying the ICS keyboard. Scary how buying something on the Google Play Store on the web, free or premium, automatically starts downloading on my phone without me giving permission on device first.

  4. Oh, to clarify what I saw on the iPhone Fever about iOS fragmentation, iOS 3.1.2 & 3.1.3 were the maximum for the original iPhone and for the 3G & 3Gs iOS 3.1.2 & 3.1.3 were the easiest to jailbreak and carrier unlock so that explains why there are so many iPhones using those versions. Plus that graphic was designed not long after the iPhone 4 was released.

  5. Ahh, but even windows phone has its problems. It's not just the manufactures it's the carriers. Microsoft allows the carriers to decide on whether or not to push out an update. AT&T has been very slow to approve updates for the windows phones it sold. In fact the carrier can deny a phone update entirely.


    at&t is slow on a lot of things, especially network upgrades in rural areas, not just Windows Phone updates. They should be kicked for their stupidity.

  6. Personally I think Google is not doing a good job in working with the manufacturers in providing the next version of Android sooner. I know manufacturers share the blame in this but I think Google deserves some blame as well. So far their Handset Alliance group that they announced last year at Google I/O has done nothing to provide speedier updates.


    IMO, I think that Google should be providing the manufacturers a beta build 2-3 months before the official release of that Android version so that they can start developing driver, add their UI layer skins and the carriers can put their bloatware on top of it and start doing some preliminary testing. Then once the official Android version is out, the manufacturers would simply do a sync up of the latest Android baseline and do regression testing. If this were to happen, I could see phones with the latest software update come out within 3 months of the source code release.


    The way I think of it is if custom rom groups like CyanogenMod can take the ICS source code and produce a pretty stable ICS rom in less than 3 months and this is without knowing the source code of the chipsets, think about how much faster the manufacturers could pump out ROMS with their expertise.


    I agree with Eric. The advantage Apple has is that they build their own hardware and software, so annual updates are easy to do since it's all in-house.

  7. Don't really get this criticism. It's been a year. Annual updates are the norm. Apple updates IOS on a yearly cycle why is it bad for google? Now the fact that Google doesn't work with manufacturers come out with jelly bean phones at the same time as they release it is another matter entirely.


    In terms of market penetration, ICS still doesn't have very much market share compared to Gingerbread.

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