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Posts posted by MacinJosh


    Am I missing something? I thought Sense was OK on my Hero and I HATED Sense on my 3D. I put CyanogenMod on my Hero and I liked that a lot better than stock with Sense. Then I upgraded to the 3D and it was a bunch of stuff that I never used' date=' burning my battery and slowing everything else down. Seems like pure bloat to me. I always figured that if I want some widget or functionality, I will install it.


    The HTC devices have had excellent developer support though and I'm sure there will be a CynaogenMod or something that is AOSP for people like me that don't want/use Sense.


    What is such a draw about Sense though? Can someone help me understand this?[/quote']


    I had an HTC Pure from at&t in 09. It was able to semi-natively run Android 2.1 with HTC Sense thanks to XDA. It was so easy to use and I was used to "Sense" from Windows Mobile 6.5 so it made it easy to transition. I've liked Sense from that point on.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  2. Samsung phones are ok, but if i do get another Android it will be an HTC. I am so used to Sense that other GUI's just don't cut it for me.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

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  3. That's a very good point. Always a good move to keep the existing base informed. I wonder, though, whether or not Sprint has the leverage to acquire an iPhone with PCS capability. Surely, as one of the "Big Four", and with it's huge contract with Apple, everything will work out just fine.


    Of course it will work out fine. Sprint has to get an LTE iPhone in order for them to complete their contract with Apple. They have too much at stake for Apple not to produce a version for them.

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