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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. The iPhone is the biggest thief of 4G sales around, and I look for it to be the biggest selling smartphone again this fall with the LTE version.


    And it is possible this stat is skewed because of iPhone sales. Then the same thing can be said for the iPhone 4 and at&t. They sold tons of them even during the time that HSPA+ started coming online, and now they have sold even more thanks to the 4S being HSPA+ compatible.

  2. IMHO this is a little misleading. The reason why sprint sold more wimax devices than verizon lte devices is because quite frankly sprint customers didn't have much as to chose from. Verizon has way more handsets to chose from, in addition to that, their number one selling phone was the iphone last year which obviously isn't lte. So I think that this particular stat is meaningless. If sprint had the iphone all of last year I can assure that this statistic would look totally different.


    I think Sgt was only referring to 4G phones, not all phones in either carriers offering.

  3. Ah, I didn't mean to imply that an iPhone has less value on the market. It definitely holds value better than others. I was merely referring to my own personal value that I would have for it. I happen to be a big Android fan so I'm admittedly biased to value an iPhone less.


    I understand what you mean now.


    Not to mention the $200 in apps you would have to rebuy when moving to a different OS. Might just be me that buys that many apps though. I dunno.


    And Scott, I have spent over $400 in iOS apps from the day I got my first iPod Touch in 2009 until now. I have 675 iOS apps, most of which were free. Needless to say, my Android pickings have been slim for the last 13 months.

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