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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. I did have to correct a guy on xda that was recently told by a in store salesman that the GSII would be able to handle LTE when it rolled out...word for word out of the reps mouth...such a shame that kinda info gets told to people when its so far from the truth...one thing to upsale someone but dont flat out lie...


    Unless Sprint and Samsung are stupid enough to replace the boards in the GSII with an LTE version. Although I can't see them stupid enough to do that.

  2. Cellular phone calling is about 150 ms lag, which is pretty bad already (2 cell phones then is 300 ms)


    Wifi calling tends to be double that, and makes for a bad to terrible experience...1/2 second and longer delays piss people off. Also wifi calling often has volume issues, and the higher latency results in echo and bigger echo cancellation problems.


    I notice the volume issues when I use Skype every once in a while. Calls weren't too bad for lag time, at least not for me.

  3. hey robert i was at bbr, and found this map of what sprint expects to be their nv foot print in 2014. i really hope this is not the case, cause the network footprint looks exactly as it does now. i thought when network vision is done, their network would be similiar to verizons. anyways i thought i woulde post the link, its a picture of a map that someone posted on twitter...i will also post the link to the article.

    map: https://twitter.com/...3667840/photo/1




    thanks robert, and have a good morning!!!! :)


    NV was supposed to be just a complete overlay of the existing native Sprint Network. At least that's what I understood it to be.

  4. i know wifi calling is voip. but to me it just seems like it would be more cost efficient for any carrier including sprint to subsitute a wifi hotspot for coverage, instead of using femtocells. it just seems like both parties would win. the carrier and the consumer, ya know?


    It is more cost efficient, however, it depends on the customers home internet connection. I rely on Clear when I'm in California, and I rely on my neighbors wifi router to access his internet when I am home (at&t is a crappy company). I don't have the ability to use a landline based broadband connection to have the service, although I would love it if I could. If I had DSL, I would have an Airave in a heart beat.




    Not in a million years would I have thought I would see gay being brought up in this forum, nor that being a gay person would lead to exaggerating. lol


    I guess there is a first for everything. lol


    and for the record I'm gay too.


    anyway, back on topic. WiFi calling?. again, learn something new everyday, never heard that term before. interesting.




    I grew up being an over-exaggerating person.

  5. Often times when I'm driving around doing deliveries for work, I stream music whether it be from Pandora, iheartradio, etc. Sprints 3G network has a hard enough time keeping the stream and not buffering, but a lot of the time my connection drops to 1X and it will stay like that for a while. Sometimes I can toggle mobile data off/on and it will reconnect to 3G, and other times it goes right back to 1X and stay like that for however long it wants. This drives me nuts. I am paying $10 for "premium data" when I don't even use 4G due to the coverage being so spotty, 3G is super slow, and half the time I get dropped to 1X. So wtf. Any explanation for this?


    It seems to be happening once in a while here on the west coast too. Most of the time my phone goes back to 3G by itself though. Could just be maintenance work.

  6. Unless they live in New Mexico! ;)




    In which case: It's the end of the world! But at least you have really good data speeds where you live since that tower is right outside your house.

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