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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. Definitely, there are a lot of dumbasses out there that can be helped by dumbass CSRs. Not everyone has advanced knowledge and those bufoons can certainly help them out.


    The worst tech support I ever had was with Roku and some guy with a Pakistani accent. I told him that I had already done troubleshooting and he walked me through it step by painful step, for hours... Overall, I spent at least 6 hours between setting up the puck, figuring out the Wi-Fi was bad, calling customer service, performing every step in their troubleshooting guide. Then after all that, he told me that the Wi-Fi was bad and he was sending me a replacement. I was like, "don't bother, send me a return shipping label."


    Oh and also, he wanted me to run Cat 5 from the router to the puck. Um, no. I bought a Wi-Fi model and I will be damned if I am going to run cat 5 through my house to use a Wi-Fi Roku.


    Now that is the definition of a stupid CSR.

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    Ah, the $0-99 range is kinda looking like old mother hubbard's cupboard in the LTE category. I don't know if that is because of development costs, or because we don't have the older models to fill in that category. Doesn't Sprint still sell the archaic Optimus S?


    I don't think they still sell it, but some people can't afford the GNex or the next 'Evo'. Me, i will strive to afford the next high end iPhone somehow, someway.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift 4G using Tapatalk for free from GetJar!

  3. Slim? There's the GNex, Viper, and HTC Jet out by June.


    Everyone always says that Verizon waters down their lineup with too many devices, and Sprint has 2 flagships and a decent mid/high range in a couple months and it's not enough? Or are you just saying that there isn't a lower case "i" in front of any of them? After all those years of iPhone famine, Sprint is still very Android centered. But I think people will still have the iPhone 4S as a choice and hopefully it won't be too long before WP comes back to town. Maybe a toilet RIM device.


    It has nothing to do with an i device Scott. I would like to see more mid-range LTE devices. I have to wait until December to upgrade anyway, so that will be after all their devices for the year will be released.

  4. It would be better to have 100%, but they need someone to tell people to take the battery out for 30 seconds and start the phone back up, I mean, that couldn't be in place of hold music as people were waiting for the CSR... LOL it really annoys me when you give the outsourced CSR a really technical description of the problem and because they don't see it in the index of their CSR handbook, the good old default "take the battery out"


    "One of your cell phone towers fell on my house and now I don't have service."

    "Uh, Sir, please take the battery out of your phone and wait 30 seconds to put it back in. Then start it up and tell me when it is back on."

    "OK, it is back on."

    "Is your problem with service fixed?"

    "No the tower is still on my house and I still don't have service because your tower fell on my house."

    "Um, hold on" (talks to the manager) "My manager says that there might be a problem with your handset."

    "No, as I said, there is a tower that fell on my house."

    "I'm going to transfer you to technical support for your handset problem."


    Call a US CSR,

    "One of your cell phone towers fell on my house and now I don't have service."

    "I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience. I am putting in a trouble ticket at your address and technicians will be dispatched to fix the problem."


    I don't like people who are hired to give 'programmed responses'. I want a person who cares because they know that the customer is important and needs to be helped correctly. Even some customer service people in the US that aren't employed by Sprint can be really stupid too. And it's a shame.

  5. lol probably not a good idea. I remember in college I went into a chat room inhabited by hackers and called them out, but that was in a computer lab. I saw the IP address published in the chat room and got up and left. Lol


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    I hope that never happens to me, lol. That would be scary.

  6. I heard there would be a LTE version of the GS2. It would be a decent mid range phone. The development costs are paid and parts have gone down in price. Wouldn't be that dumb IMO


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    No, that wouldn't be dumb. I like that idea to have it as a midrange. And with 15 devices by year end, we sure have some surprises coming our way this year.

  7. Just to clarify, it was hastily removed from the slideshow prior to the meeting. Some people are speculating that it was shown in the actual meeting, but removed in the photo. Which is not the case. It probably was discovered at the last minute that, "Oops! We don't want people to see that."


    I'm guessing it showed in the legend the green area, and defined something like "LTE coverage area with active 800 LTE/1900 LTE." And I don't think Sprint is prepared to discuss 800 LTE at this time.




    That could be. You just never know when someone will make a mistake and sometimes it isn't caught. Too bad they caught it this time, lol.

  8. Yes. Although I wouldn't use the word overlay. It is a complete teardown and rebuilding of every "native" Sprint site into a multi-modal base station that supports new 4G LTE technology as well.


    Ok. but still they will be placing LTE in every area that is truly native Sprint service.


    Agreed. I think Sprint is having these discussions now to encourage these partners to either install Network Vision type base stations, or at the least, incorporate a LTE G-Block hosting deal. Although I don't know of any specific talks.


    One reason you haven't heard about any yet is maybe they are completely secret talks and only 1 or 2 people from each company knows about it.


    Why do you hope not? That is the entire Sprint network! Were you hoping it would be less than all of it? ;)


    I think he was hoping for more coverage than what shows up on that map.

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