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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. i totally understand where he is coming from. i wasnt trying to go on a tangent. i love sprint as a company, i guess its just the way i talk. im gay so i tend to exaggerate when i speak or talk. so my apologies :)


    Actually, I think it's more that the desert heat has melted your brain once too many. That happens to me all the time, and it's worse in the summertime.


    And as for wi-fi calling like T-Mobile HotSpot @ Home, Sprint chose to integrate Google Voice for people who wanted to receive calls outside of their cell phone to save on minutes. It does take some getting used to. I tried once but really didn't want to give up my Google Voice number and didn't have the extra money to pay for it.

  2. I was initially planning on switching to sprint( am on ATT now), but the horror stories of sub 200kbps data speeds turned me off. Also the fact that they force you to sign a two year agreement when you want to bring your own phone. Once the LTE iphone comes out, I will gladly sell my iphone and pay my ETF to leave. And I am not the only one who would be happy to switch for some unlimited data goodness as long as speeds are decent.


    I was where you are now. When I first switched to Sprint, I came from an at&t iPhone. However, my data speeds on at&t were in my opinion "subpar". I also had problems maintaining a 3G connection and was probably going to lose my unlimited data plan.


    I went to Sprint for the 4G data capabilities, and wasn't disappointed there. But I agree that the 3G speeds sucked. However, they are finally improving, and I am more content with Sprint 3G than I used to be.

  3. I would call and complain. I did about a year ago (when my dad had only had his phone 3 months) and got an upgrade reset so he could get a Nexus S.


    If the regular customer service people can't get it straight try this number (it works wonders), (877) 775-4886.


    Thanks. If I get some extra money soon, I might just try that.

  4. No actually the new lte phones will have special chips that allow the PHONE to access WIMAX lte and evdo 3g


    Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk


    That is news to me. From all the documentation on the GNex & the Viper, I haven't seen anything to allow them access to WiMax. I would think the battery life would be even worse than current 4G phones as a result.

  5. True true that's why they are giving the new phones chips with WIMAX and lte so sprint will have 2 4g networks that's a real good thing because WIMAX reaches some places lte doesn't


    Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk


    Actually, no new phones will have access to WiMax anymore. Only tri-network broadband data cards will still be able to access WiMax. All new phones starting with the Galaxy Nexus and the LG Viper are EVDO/LTE compatible.

  6. I still am able to stream music on Pandora, would that be possible on 1XRTT? I can't see what type of connection I have on my EVO besides 3G vs 4G.


    I'm looking into the Photon on craigslist now. I'm hoping the Photon won't be as laggy as my EVO. I'll keep the Photon until LTE is up and running in Minneapolis, then see what phones are out and use my upgrade then. I looked into Verizon, it wouldn't be that much more $$, but I don't like the data caps. That, and if I leave Sprint, it adversely affects cash flow, network vision might be scaled back, Sprint would be less competitive, and Ma Bell and Big Red win. Can't have that. ;)


    Ma Bell? at&t inc is really Baby Bell SBC. I call the current nightmare of a company the Reincarnation of Ma Bell. And I wish that the government would split that company up too. It has way too much power in it's hands. And it's all thanks to Ed Whitacre Jr.

  7. I heared that but many people think that WIMAX will just be shut down not true sprint is just focused on lte development?


    Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk


    According to all current docs, Sprint & Clearwire will continue to support WiMax until 2015 and hopefully by then Clearwire will have fully overlaid their entire network with LTE so that they can turn off WiMax and fully support LTE.

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