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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. Man when i was a lil child I remember going to the zoo and rocking a Fanny pack. Everyone had em back then.


    Don't hate. Lol


    You know if it was an iFannyPack you'd get one. Jkjk


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk


    I'm not hating. I just don't care to wear one. If I want to carry stuff, I wear cargo pants for all the pockets, lol. And as for an iFannyPack: Heck NO I wouldn't get one, lol.

  2. The biggest problem with this is that WiMax costs too much to produce. Not too mention that Sprint has publicly announced that they will only support WiMax for existing phones until the end of 2015. Producing more phones to access a dying network is not profitable for them. I think it is a smart move for them to do it this way.


    (But I would personally like to see a Tri-Network phone to test out and see how the battery life is on one, knowing how bad the battery life is on WiMax phones now.

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    The next thing you know, we will have members talking about using their handsets' vibrate function for "other purposes"...


    (cue Ed McMahon when someone says something risqué)





    I use the vibrate function with my phone sitting on a counter to drive myself crazy when I know someone is calling that I don't want to talk to.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift 4G using Tapatalk

  4. Holy Cow! A possible EVO 3D LTE? That would really be AWESOME! 3D video and LTE would be a great combo! B) (Robert, we need a drooling smiley!)

  5. You people are terrible. I am reporting all of you to Cellphone Protective Services.




    :rofl: That is hilarious AJ. I'm glad I only ever had 1 flip phone, and I didn't flip it like crazy. My one slider phone I had I used to slide all the time though.

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