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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. True' date=' but I wouldn't mind seeing a blackberry LTE on the Sprint network. Alot of folks use it for business and I believe a carrier should have at least two phones from every OS.




    Agreed. Healthy competition means giving a decent choice of devices for consumers. Without that, people would stop liking their carrier.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  2. Completely disagree with your statement. There are huge barriers for entry in the wireless carrier space of which your statement does not apply which is why the government and the FCC needs to become involved. I don't care if someone came up with a new invention in wireless to be more spectrally efficient because at the end of the day they will still need spectrum. Without spectrum this new invention is going to be mean diddly squat because it would be all gobbled up by Verizon and AT&T. This crap happened before with the Ma Bell situation and had to be broken up. Without checks and balances, Verizon and AT&T could easily form a duopoly which is bad for the consumer. I always laugh when I hear people do not want competition like its a good thing.


    In the grocery market sector, I am glad I see Walmart and Target offering produce and deli (in Walmart at least) to compete with the supermarket chains like Safeway, Albertsons, Vons, Ralphs, Stater Bros. I always felt that the supermarkets chains were usually a rip off and I find myself buying a lot of stuff from Walmart and Target just because I have choice. Choice is always good for the consumer just like it is in the wireless space.


    That is until a store closes down thereby reducing local competition. Rumor has it my local Albertsons is closing. That will leave us with Smith's Food & Drug (a Kroger company, like Ralph's in LA), and WalMart.

  3. I hear where you're coming from, Josh. But, Not really the point I was getting at. I understand the frustration, however if Sprint exchanged the "band-aid" fixes in my area for true Network Vision upgrades, I would gladly accept... even if it meant waiting a bit longer.


    I understand that. And for Visalia, the bandaid fixes are actually going well, and for some strange reason, every day data seems to improve. It's really quite weird.

    • Like 1
  4. I would go insane without swipe among the other millions of innovations

    Apple Iphone does not have!

    Let alone the money invested in apps!


    Too late to change to another platform!


    Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2


    It's not too late. I have over 600 apps for iPhone and I'm using an Android cell phone, lol. And yes, I have bought numerous apps for my Evo Shift, and some were duplicates.


    And I don't know how anyone could ever get used to swype. Quite annoying to me.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

  5. My guess is 4.5" screen and they introduce an iPhone mini with the existing 3.5" screen.


    I can't see an iPhone with a 4.5" screen. It just seems too large for Apple to want one that big. But with Apple, they like to give surprises, lol. I just hope the home screen has more apps than the current setup if the screen is bigger.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner


    Perhaps so-- Government needs to stay out of it and let the market decide. Once a monopoly gets too comfortable' date=' an innovator with a better product and /or price will come forth-- necessity is the mother of invention... and when it does, the customers quickly vote with their wallets. Always have faith in the consumer-- as long as he is well-informed![/quote']


    I hope to never see it get that far.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner


    Hey man-- you know Visalia gets LTE from Verizon turned on tomorrow! They have committed to upgrade their entire 3G nationwide footprint and have it completed by the end of 2013-- they plan on VoLTE starting up this year and they are moving to phase out CDMA starting in late 2014.


    Yes, I know they are lighting up Visalia tomorrow. I plan on taking an opportunity to try out the new LTE network here by early next week.


    Edit: I didn't know that thy were planning on killing off CDMA already. I thought they were going to keep it going for the foreseeable future. Thanks for the update.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

  8. I have contacts in Verizon and know they want to go to VoLTE and shutdown CDMA... they're already planning VoLTE feature phones. The problem is that feature phones (smaller than 4" in one dimension) are too small to use 750 LTE due to the antenna spacing requirements. They've been talking up AWS for VoLTE and future use. They already have 20 MHz east of the Mississippi- the whole cable co deal is to secure 20 MHz west of the Mississippi as well where their AWS holdings are sparse. I think all along they've planned to sell the excess-- the way they bid on the AWS trying to only get that big block shows you that. Long term' date=' they will end up converting their PCS and probably even cellular 850 spectrum to LTE as well-- and the PCS spectrum LTE would allow small handsets just like the AWS would. I expect their fallback if the AWS plan falls through is to use PCS for this plan rather than AWS. Only time will tell what the future holds-- but I doubt they'll initiate any AWS LTE plans until they secure a nationwide spectrum holding there.


    As far as the "duopoly"... Verizon's only plans for AT&T are probably to try to put them out of the wireless business if they can as any company should aim to do with its competitors-- they don't cooperate-- they compete! If they don't try to put each other out of business, they're not doing their jobs well, and will probably regret it in the long run.[/quote']


    They can try to put each other out of business, but the government won't allow another monopoly on phone service. So if AT&T were to fail, as well as the other carriers, the government would just break VZW up like they did to Ma Bell. It'll be a vicious cycle all over again.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

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