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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. Yeah, I'm curious to see myself, how the 2013 sales will be on the iPhone 5. I want to try the iPhone, but still not too sure about it! Been having AppleFever a lot lately. Everyone I know is getting the phone. I always like to be the unique one (Android), but Apple has been attracting everyone on this trend.....it kind of sucks....lol


    AppleFever? I got the first iPhone 3Gs sold in Pahrump in June 2009. And in 2010, I spent almost a month tracking down an iPhone 4 just so I could have one (yes, the same iPhone 4 that suffered from AntennaGate). It's a desirable phone, but wait until the next one and hope that Apple really will fix the slower data issue.

    • Like 1
  2. Wow, I thought Apple and Sprint was going to fix that issue back in 2011 of the slower data speeds?


    That's what I heard, but 2 days ago I was getting 400K higher data speeds compared to an iPhone 4S that performs better than my Shift in everything but data speeds.

  3. Sgt, both OS's have their strength's and weaknesses. For those of us who have Macs, being able to sync everything together between phone and computer makes for an easier life. Frankly, I'm not too concerned about the photo stream feature on the iPhone as I don't want my photos all over the place. I like them on my phone only. And I don't use digital cameras since I got a smart phone.


    Xenadu, how can you stand iPhoto? It has always been slow for me, and it's just a plain nightmare to fight with.

  4. i hear ya, but it's probably something thats been in the plans for a while and just finally got released. If you'll notice, on Sprints website, they're frequently axing the old 4G WiMax devices. As Duffman pointed out, they just EOL'd 3 devices.. Nexus S, EVO 3D and 4G. EVO Shift is gone too.


    All three of your devices just got the ax, 2 of them on the same day. The EVO 4G was in the last 2 weeks.


    And the EVO Shift was in the last month.

  5. and yet Samsung Epic 4G is still kicking and still on the best slider on the market. Looking forward for new flagship phone with qwerty keyboard lol


    I'm looking for a qwerty slider in an LTE flavor too. Might not be until fall though.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

  6. So if I cracked the glass (already is, not fraud, I just decided to live with it rather than pay $100 to replace it) on my NS4G and pay the $100 for a replacement will I get a Viper or a Galaxy Nexus?


    Edit: I guess it could be a Photon or Galaxy SII but still better (:


    Edit 2: More likely an Epic or Design 4G (meh)


    Most likely if you are using insurance to get it replaced, you would probably end up with a refurb NS4G until Asurion runs out of them.

    • Like 2
  7. You could replace "bugs" in your statement with any number of different races, ethnic groups, or religious groups and have hate speech indistinguishable from the real thing. But I have already drawn this out too long. I am just giving you a hard time, Josh, trying to get you to think critically about your own belief system. You are an "animal racist," but so are most people. You have highly inconsistent values when it comes to animals, but so do most people. That should not absolve us, however, from examining our own internal contradictions.




    Ok, interesting. Never thought of it that way before. I am just going with my past experience with ants, that's all.

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