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Posts posted by MacinJosh


    i wont lie i want one...my epic is a monster with the extended battery of course hyperion just released a 5000 mAh monster for the NOTE mugen a wopping 5400 mAH battery im wondering how much bigger it will be' date=' with the extended battery on my epic and ICS i get a 12 hours now, with the 3500, 5400 ooooh lol would be nice on trips though[/quote']


    5400? That is a huge battery.


    As for battery life, my Shift can get up to 2 days with medium use on the 3500 mAh battery i have in it now.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  2. I havent had hands on with the note yet... but did see the mock up at Frys the other day fits fine in my front pocket, and i havent been petite since highschool lol


    I was never petite my whole childhood. And maybe a 5" phone wouldn't be that bad to carry around after all.

  3. Par for the course, Josh. You just described practically every cellphone manufactured in the last 10 years.




    Except for my iPhone 4. I paid 300 for it, and sold it almost a year later for 750. That was the only time I have turned a phone around for major profit.


    Edit: And I paid 200 for my 3Gs almost 3 years ago and can still sell it on eBay for $150+ easily. The only phones I have ever owned that hold their value for so long.

  4. We use both here at work macs and PCs. Same with phones' date=' androids/iphones/blackberrys.

    As far as phones I just prefer android because I can do whatever I want with it. Surprising that my daughter(14) and wife after having thier evos for two years both said no to iphones when I asked them about upgrading. (thier only concern is that they have seen no small sized android phones coming to sprint yet. They want to stay around evo size.


    With macs/pcs. I like the mac OS, but I am and always have been a gamer. So its PC only for me. Thats the main reason but I also refuse to pay 2 or 3 times as much for the same hardware just to be able to run a mac OS on it.[/quote']


    I don't care if I have to pay extra to get a Mac. And I learned to get along with the games that were available for Mac. Most of the time I played Sim City 2000, so I was pretty content in the gaming realm.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

  5. I think it's important to remember that Macintosh is a fantastic OS while iOS is a horrible one.


    That being said' date=' the reason Apple is under so much scrutiny is because their profits are phenomenal. It's extremely clear that they can improve pay and conditions. As Mr. Jobs said, "Those jobs aren't coming back." This is fine but the company is far to successful to be so evil. Basically, enough people have iThings that this story can be much more sensational and used to raise awareness. While I'm against misinformation, I think it's important to be aware of the source of your products. If we can't trust people to check on it and care then we can see an infographic about it which someone hopes will be posted to many a tumblr and Facebook pages. Or perhaps it's easier just to accept the new product from big brother.


    I do love my Mac and I have my own reasons but those horrible iOS devices. Why God why? Oh and fun fact. It costs Apple somewhere around 90 bucks to make an iPhone, most of that is shipping to US.[/quote']


    That would probably be the iPhone 4. The 4S 16GB costs close to $199 to make. And I love my Mac much more than Windoze. My grandpa got my mom a Mac in 94, and except for about a 5 year time span, I've only ever owned a Mac since then.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

  6. I like simplicity. And yes I do like android too, but I sure still miss my iPhone. I'm even posting on here using it and Forum Runner still. I left AT&T because I needed unlimited text messaging and just couldn't afford the extra 20/mo for it. And I even get cheaper service thanks to my 25% discount which keeps me more convinced to stay with Sprint.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

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