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Posts posted by MacinJosh


    Yep-- the Viper has SVDO like the Rezound and Thunderbolt-- and apparently' date=' the LTE EVO as well! All LTE phones do SVLTE just like WiMax phones did voice with WiMax (I guess-- never witnessed WiMax in operation).[/quote']


    SVWiMax works great when you get a good WiMax signal.


    Edit: I'd be perfectly happy with SVDO if nothing else was available.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  2. Looking at this ESMR link in California and a new one in Maryland' date=' it appears that both are using the Utah SID (22429). Maybe they haven't yet configured the channels properly or just don't know how to configure them (equally likely). The testing PRL was designed to link onto your native PRL-defined EVDO (3G) data carrier when it found the ESMR 1x carrier for your area; however, using this Utah SID, the PRL would try to lock onto Utah's Ev carrier assignments, which are unlikely to work in most of the country. To compensate for this problem, I have revised the record relative to the Utah PRL adding a wildcard EV scan so that it should let you have 3G in just about every area of the country even if Sprint has assigned the wrong SID for ESMR in your area. The new version will be ready very soon. Please keep in mind that it constantly seeks ESMR carriers even if you're in great coverage on your PCS native carriers-- you will see battery usage increase with this PRL![/quote']


    I sure wish the Evo Shift was ESMR compatible.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  3. Wasn't sure if that sort of self-promotion is allowed or not.


    My app is Storm Sim, a rainstorm sound / whitenoise app to help you sleep. It is different than most as it is not just some pre-recorded storms. It dynamically generates a storm that never repeats or loops. You can save as many different storms as you like and edit each one (less, more, louder, softer, more variable, more consistent, etc and mix-match different effects). You can also buy add-on packs to add other sounds like trains, waterfalls, etc. There is a free version but the paid one is way cheaper than buying all the in-app purchases on the free one so save your $$.




    It's not self promotion when someone requests the link.



  4. The problem is more general... The Chinese government pays for tons of stuff, via the state owned banks, etc. Hear a rumor that Apple may be building a new product? The Chinese government will put 150 people through a school crash course, fund the building of a factory, buy patent rights, setup a supply chain, etc - all on a speculative basis. When your lead time to market in China is 4 weeks vs 8 months in the US, everything else becomes irrelevant.


    We don't have anything like an industrial policy here and when politicians do take chances on funding startups or funding education everyone whines about the deficit. When those Chinese loans go bad, the state banks just roll them over to a new loan - often for years until the factory can find a product to build. Eventually they are going to have issues due to the malinvestment and jacked banking system but they can plow on for many years before that happens.



    I would also point out that the US is king in software and Apple has given hundreds of thousands of us a platform to sell our software. I personally have an app in the App Store and it is bringing in money every month. That means every single iDevice worldwide is another potential customer... I read the other day that developers are capturing something like $30 per iDevice. Not sure if that is accurate or not.


    Please post a link to your app. I may just have it already, and if not, I might be interested in buying it.

  5. Just to clarify, Sprint is adding LTE 1900 to 99%+ of all their sites nationwide. The only places they are not is in the handful of places they cannot. Less than 100 sites.


    Sprint will be installing LTE 800 later in 2013 at approx. 80% of their sites. There are places they cannot install 800 LTE because they do not have enough spectrum, or other licensing or logistics constraints. Sprint is working with Clearwire to have LTE 2600 starting to go on sites in 2013 as well for additional capacity.




    Why wouldn't they be able to put LTE 1900 on 100 sites?

  6. You guys got me wanting to take pictures of my local tower, which is sitting on the top of a two story house a block from my house.


    It's a co-located Clear and Sprint site, so I get decent 3G and 4G in my house.


    On a house? And I thought having an entire tower take over like 3 or 4 backyards in Visalia was bad. But at least you get good speeds.

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