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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. Lets calm down here for a sec. I am sure Clearwire does not plan to launch more than two or three 20 MHz carriers at this time. There is no need to deploy all your spectrum when Clearwire does not have enough wholesale customers to support it.


    Agreed. Deploying everything now would just incur them additional launch costs that would just make it more difficult for them to survive. Clearwire still has to be cautious about how they deploy LTE and how fast they do so.

  2. Well, since the iPhone 5 is still vaporware, it's difficult to know what its magical qualities will be. But likely no for roaming at least, since there isn't an international standard for LTE frequencies yet. The problem lies more in the antennas than the chip. The Qualcomm chip can do either TDD-LTE or FDD-LTE, but needs multple antennas for the different bands. I've seen some articles that say the wifi antenna could also be used to also receive Clearwire's 2.5GHz band.


    Wouldn't that make for interference issues with either Wi-Fi or Clearwire LTE not operating properly?

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    Seems that way to me. It is the reason I never turn wimax on during my train ride to work. One single tunnel causes so much frustration as it goes from 4G>no signal>3G>finally back to 4G. As I try to load webpages at various times during that period.. If I leave it on 3G only it may bounce between 3G and 1x but I never really stop transmitting.


    Websites for me are worthless when I lose 3G and go to 1x. I just give up and wait for 3G to come back.


    Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

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