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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. Mr. Hesse has agreed to give up $3.25M of his compensation in an attempt to shut-up those who oppose the iPhone investment.




    I'm not an iPhone fan by any stretch of the imagination,but it has helped Sprint to bring in new customers as they transition from WiMax to LTE... So, (imo), the investors should be thankful, in some respects.


    Yes they should be grateful. But not everyone will ever be happy. That is the sad reality. But at least he is willing to make it right. Stark contrast between him and Randall Stephenson, that's for sure.

    • Like 1
  2. I ran across this when I was browsing. http://www.power-ski...-powerskin.html


    There is one "coming soon" for the HTC One S, so it looks like there is a good chance that there will be something for the EVO LTE. I didn't even know about PowerSkin until today.


    Guess it's possible for the LTE Evo to get an external battery after all. Thanks Scott for posting.

    • Like 1
  3. Exactly.



    As for GREED... all corporations are greedy. Verizon is greedy too... just look at their gross margins. The difference between Verizon and AT&T? Not greed. Both are greedy.


    It's how they decided to compete in the marketplace. Verizon said "we'll have the best technology". AT&T said "we'll have the best people working to align political figures to do things that benefit us the most".


    True that it's not GREED that drives one or the other, but Verizon has a disadvantage to at&t. Verizon doesn't own 100% of Verizon Wireless. It makes the biggest difference between the 2. If Verizon acquires the rest of VZW, then we will have a Duopoly in the USA.

  4. Time to have the updated lab doc to show the earlier release....which could actually make sense if they are trying to fend off the SGS3 now with that thing being in the US in June evidently...*Sgt. throws dart at wall...sees if it sticks* lol


    You need armor piercing darts there Sgt.


    Hopefully this new launch window pans out to be true.

  5. AT&T is just broadcasting with a mega phone to their customers that they are raising data rates, which is plain stupid! AT&T customers won't care why prices are going up (even if they believe AT&T's lies), they just will care that they are going up. And their customers will see their competition is not going up in price.


    AT&T is speaking out of both sides of their mouth, they are quietly on the side trying to tell customers through tech media that prices aren't really going up, because they are raising data allotments, so in fact, prices are going down (per GB). But with the mega phone they are blasting the FCC for causing them to raise prices.


    And as irev210 points out above, that is contradictory in every way. If you are spectrum constrained and have to raise prices to curb usage to stay within your spectrum allotment, why would you raise the data caps with price increase? This has nothing to do with Tmo or the FCC or spectrum. This is a move to increase revenue...period. And AT&T is hoping with a little smoke and mirrors, customers will think that the "revenue increase" that AT&T is trying to pry out of their pockets can be attributed to the FCC. But I don't think it's going to work. AT&T is stupid. It's just going to cause customers to look at the competition again.




    Like I said: GREED


    And it's sad too. My friend is even ready to cancel both her landlines, but the only reason we need to keep one is to be able to fax. Too bad the Sprint Phone connect doesn't do fax yet.

  6. I think those speeds are for stationary terminals, not mobile. Not many phones can accommodate 8x8 MIMO. But it does brings to mind that Clearwire can go after home internet connections or even bundle home and mobile access. Now, can you imagine how much power the radio amplifiers will draw for a 100MHz channel? Yikes!


    Probably too much power. I only see standard sized Clear modems using that sort of power and connection. USB devices are just too small and the USB port just can't push enough power to it to use that kind of power. But we just won't know until Clearwire starts the upgrade next year.

  7. I wish they would just stop being bitter. Its so unbecoming of a man who earned 22 million last year as the ceo of a wildly profitable telecom to be so bitterly anti consumer and anti government. Is it really so hard being att? Really?


    Randall Stephenson is trying to fill the shoes of Ed Whitacre Jr., his predecessor and the man that made at&t (SBC) what it is today. He just can't seem to keep pace. And so his greed will be his downfall. If he knew what was good for him, he would back off the merger concept and focus on upgrading the at&t network. Buying competition out only lasts so long, and then Ma Bell will be ripped to shreds for Monopoly status again. I hate to think what would happen in the telecom industry if that were to happen again. In 2005 when SBC bought at&t, I told a friend that Bell South was next to give 'the new at&t' complete control of Cingular, and I was right. It was announced 6 months later. And when I heard it, I said this was going to be bad for competition.


    I bet AT&T would love to have a nice duopoly and just roll in the cash.


    I hope AT&T crashes, burns, crashes and burns some more, and falls off the face of the earth.


    All politics aside, blocking the AT&T/T-Mobile merger is the best thing the government has done to the telecom industry in a long time.


    The only way that at&t will crash and burn again is if they stop innovating. Blaming the government for their reason to raise prices IMO is treason and they must be punished for it.


    Sadly, it is not bitter. It's the machine that is AT&T. It's just a marketing tool.


    This isn't marketing. It's just pure GREED. Ed Whitacre Jr. has made a monster and now no one wants to stop it. But it must be stopped. Frankly the government needs to intervene and make at&t divest itself of it's wireless arm and make the wireless company take back on the Cingular name. That will keep the market competition healthy.


    (Disclaimer) I have bitter feelings against at&t only. I have no bad feelings against Cingular or any other wireless brand. These are just my own opinions, most of which are from past experiences.

  8. lol, we got working WIMAX several month ago and we got ICS few month ago as well. There the link if you are interested in checking the development of Samsung Epic http://epiccm.blogspot.com/

    Been rocking ICS on the epic for a while now..its awesome!


    That's why I was excited and posted this on here. Hopefully in a short period of time WiMax will be working on the Shift too with ICS so that my crazy slider has some life left in it until my upgrade later this year.

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