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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. The Airave works well, when it works. You have to have a reliable ISP with low latencies.


    The one thing it does well is stopping your battery die. When you get home and your phone is in your pocket, the battery does not die as the phone isn't searching hard for a signal. <---- you guys do not understand how good this is.


    T-Mobile's Wifi calling does NOT stop your battery running down, even if you're on wifi, the phone is continually searching for a T-Mobile signal. The Airave works better than this.


    The Airave's EVDO data speeds are a little better than the real Sprint EVDO speeds, usually get around 0.2 Mbps when connected to the Airave.

    It works really well for txt messages, SMS/MMS.


    Some people have reported having problems with the Airave and messaging. It could just be hardware problems with the Airave itself, or because of their ISP then.

  2. It was a little bit of a pain, as I had to change a lot of settings on my computer to get the utility to see the kf and then I thought I was too smart to read instructions and installed a recovery that was incompatible with the ROM. I know how to fix everything now, so I can walk you right through if you have any difficulty.


    Sent from my Kindle Fire running CM9.


    See! Directions are important, lol. :)

  3. The "new tower" I checked out in PHX was legacy equipment. So I guess that means they are not installing Network Vision equipment till they arrive to that market to do the full NV buildout. (although this is just one experience in an isolated case.)


    Frankly, I consider that a waste of resources. They could have gotten everything ready for NV, but just put a software restriction in to prevent faster data speeds to maintain their "schedule". Oh well, that's just my opinion.

  4. I had a g2 and it needed no special router. I would enable wifi calling on the phone then connect to wifi then all calls will go through wifi. Easy. It was my lifeline in the hospital when my son was born, T-Mobile coverage was horrible in there.


    Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2


    Ok, so the smartphones worked differently than feature phones did. Thanks for the clarification.

  5. Yea all gingerbread/ics have that. But wifi calling on t-mobile had no setup. You just turn it on and connect to wifi and calls go thru wifi.


    Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2


    T-Mobile also used GAN in order to do that from what I understand. Their HotSpot@Home routers had that feature built in. Not all phones were compatible with that feature either. If they changed how wifi calling worked in the last 2 years, then I don't know anymore details.


    Visit this link on Wikipedia for more information. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_Access_Network

    UMA is the commercial name of the GAN protocol.


    Edited to correct Network type name.

  6. That's the great thing about developers. They bring the newest software to the older devices. Hopefully the government renews their rule that rooting/jailbreaking is legal. I'd hate to see the development community be stifled in any way.


    Same here. Drob said that because the Shift & the Design use the same Qualcomm chipset and the same graphics, that it makes it easier to port the newer ROM over. The only major thing they have to change is the resolution settings between the 2 phones. I'm excited. WiMax was the only reason I haven't switched to ICS yet.

  7. Did that specific user root the phone though?


    Now that would be the harder answer to find out. It may have been one of their friends who did it.


    For me it seems that if I put a Sense based ROM on my Shift, everything works fine, but most AOSP ROM's I've tried seem to have problems with my phone & GPS. Unless it's my GPS chip giving the problem, but then that would be phone number 2.

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