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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Those little panels are cute. Is there a local WiMax provider in your area? They are so small. They may be 3.3 or 3.5GHz WiMax. But they are installed side by side with Verizon. Maybe they are some 3GHz MW backhaul to other VZW sites? I've never seen ones quite like that. Although they do appear to have downtilt. Hmmm... That bigger, longer panel is likely Verizon 700MHz LTE. Verizon has their LTE deployed in only one or two sectors on towers all over my area. Robert
  2. To me, it's hard to judge scale. However, trying to scale from the size of the WiMax panels, these appear to be 800 sized panels. However, I do believe the white one, while similar size to the Nextel 800's, is likely a 1900 CDMA panel. A 1900 panel can be larger than it needs to be. But an 800 cannot be smaller than it needs to be. The new NV 1900 panels are huge, much larger than 1900 needs. Because they also share with 800. I was able to confirm that this specific site from LTE's info in a PM, that this site definitely has two voice carriers and 1 EVDO carrier. So 1900 is definitely present. Robert
  3. 800 needs much more downtilt in an urban area because of increased propagation. And on to digi's question, I'm thinking that in a combined 800/1900 NV panel, there will have to be electronic downtilt that handles the difference. Mechanical downtilt will not be able to be different, as you point out. LTE...what kind of camera was that taken with? I have never had such a clear zoomed panel close up. Robert
  4. Welcome to S4GRU. I can understand your frustrations. It may be worthless to you. And although Network Vision will likely fix the network in your area into something that performs more than satisfactorily, it will not be coming to the Missouri market very soon. Most likely NV improvements and LTE deployment will not begin until Winter. The purpose of S4GRU is to help inform Sprint customers out there about the network and the changes that are occurring. It is going to mean different things to each of the 50M+ Sprint customers. You are going to have to decide what's right for you and your needs there in St. Louis. However, if you can hang out in the long run until permanent Network Vision upgrades make it to your area, you will be very happy with the result. Best of luck to you. Robert
  5. night crawler Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  6. Thanks everyone who has contributed to this thread. It has run its course being an original thread that migrated over from the old boards. It's now closed. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  7. I think it looks better than I was expecting, actually. Different strokes... Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  8. I am not surprised one iota. But I am glad it is now official. It will help us battle all the naysayers that run around saying that LTE is the end of unlimited. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  9. corner pub Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  10. I was praying for you and your family when I heard about it all bearing down in your area. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  11. Just to clarify for others, our testing PRL's that we have in the Download Center were created to help you connect to either 800 CDMA sites or G Block Testing 1xA/EVDO carriers. This is just because we are dorks and cannot help ourselves. They are not designed as daily drivers. Thanks! Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  12. But the big question Dino, is it happening at places we have identified as NV sites? Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  13. How many servers did you run the test on? Sprint's NV sites are on different backhaul. The servers you used to use may not be the best ones to run new speed tests on. We had several people in the Boston market who ran speed tests on new NV sites and had lackluster results. I suggested they try different servers and they were getting over 1.6Mbps. Robert
  14. I thought the E4GT did not photograph well. I thought it looked a little homely and boring in photos. But looking and holding it in person turned me on to the design right away. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  15. landing gear Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  16. OK...I created a Windows Phone sub forum under OS'es. In devices, there is no WP OEM, so I will keep them set up as is. Robert
  17. Thanks for sifting through the data to find that out. Now, does anyone have these relatively obscure devices? Robert
  18. No sweat. I do dislike how pinned threads appear in our forums. They could be much better identified. But it's an IP Board limitation. Robert
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