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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I'm not sure I follow. This thread isn't "pinned" or a "sticky." And which thread is the Sprint version? Robert
  2. S4GRU

    Tower locations

    If VZW keeps a signal, it is most likely on 850. So that gives me hope that Sprint 800 will help. Robert
  3. S4GRU

    Tower locations

    It depends why they are "dead." If you don't get a signal there, just because it is just outside of range, there is a good chance that NV will improve the signal there to be usable. If not by 1900, then most likely by 800. However, if the issue why it is dead is because it's in a gully, ravine, canyon or because of RF interference in the area, then NV may not help the situation much. It depends on the reasons why it's a dead zone. Robert
  4. Deval, yes. However, Network Vision gear is being tested in G Block. 1xA and EVDO carriers get tested in G Block at every tower, including full drive testing. This is being done so as to not interfere with existing customers. Then, when testing is complete of NV gear at a tower or clusters of towers and it's ready to go live, they take the 1xA/EVDO carriers off G block frequencies and transition them to the appropriate A-F frequencies for commercial traffic. This is when the site is 3G live. It is only after the 3G goes live do the NV OEM's start work on the LTE carrier and put it on G Block and start its testing. All Network Vision testing is done in G Block. But only LTE will be there permanently. Robert
  5. Since my post above, we have announced 5 Florida markets. Including the market that houses Lakeland/Winter Haven. Which I believe is the Orlando market,trying to recall off the top of my head. I believe the transition between Orlando and Tampa markets is between Lakeland and Plant City, if memory serves. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  6. class envy Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  7. It will be a dud. *yawn* Why offer a non LTE device at this time? Waste of money. They need to develop their WP flagship with MSM8960 and start getting people excited about it now. Like they did with the GNex. Dumb. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  8. Thanks for posting this for our members! Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  9. cooking fuel Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  10. If they talk about it, it will be of a general nature. Nothing earth shattering or anything you wouldn't already know about. Things like, "And this new HTC device will be running on our new high speed LTE network. The first markets of Atlanta and San Antonio will be live in June." Anything beyond those type of generalities will be shocking. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  11. I don't think anyone thinks you are being disrespectful. We appreciate direct communication. Your points are understood and well received. I am glad that you understand the differences. However, someone who does not, may misinterpret your point. I appreciate AJ's post to help differentiate for anyone else who comes along in the future. The internet is forever. Samuel, the Ball State WiMax sounds great. However, there are likely some key differences between the Muncie protection site and the Ball State deployment that you may not have considered. 1. Protection Sites, as AJ references, are designed to maximize coverage to inflate POP numbers to satisfy a FCC coverage requirement. They have zero, or very little downtilt. Those panels often stick out 90° from the towers. This is the worst way to try to get 2600 to penetrate anything. I am sure Ball State has engineered downtilt to be useful. This is also why you are getting such a great signal higher off the ground. The Muncie protection site WiMax signal is pointed at you, not the ground. I get a better signal/faster speeds from the Santa Fe protection site on a hill side 4 miles away than I do next to the tower. 2. Ball State likely has small cells and users are much closer to the signal. In traditional Clearwire WiMax cells that are well engineered, users within a 1/2 mile usually can receive signal indoors just fine. I imagine the Ball State WiMax network is designed where users are never more than a half mile away either. 3. Beamforming. Some schools that use WiMax deploy it with beamforming. This offers a penetration boost as well. I have no idea if Ball State employs this. As you can see, Protection Sites are just not an apples to apples performance comparison to standard WiMax deployments. They are hastily installed, under engineered islands of WiMax signals. And their usefulness is highly variable. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  12. I look forward to your future posts. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  13. I am definitely calm, and I am a tad bit goofy. Be that as it may, these are my forums. The purpose of S4GRU is a place for Sprint wireless nerds to congregate and to help inform the public about the technical workings of the Sprint network, spectrum and changes. You were singled out because your posts in this thread are contrary to our mission and could be misinterpeted and confuse people. You are welcome to ask questions. However, any thing you post as fact are being read by hundreds of wireless dorks who are in the know. And if they are inaccurate, you will be called out. It's OK to post mistaken points. I have done it myself. There are dorks that are much smarter than I am. I have been called out before. However, our tolerance for trolls and flamers is very low here at S4GRU. We are not that kind of community. Your comments in this thread set off the "radar." If I was mistaken in interpeting your posts, please accept my apologies. If your intent is to be a flaming troll, then S4GRU is not the place for you. Robert
  14. sauced up Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  15. iron lung Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  16. Pretty much, yes. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  17. Inflating Dollar Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  18. I did consider some sort of April Fools market announcement. But I decided against it. Mostly because I was sick, and partly about wanting to be responsible. Robert
  19. fishing boat Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  20. If those increased speeds are because of increased backhaul coming online, then no. It wouldnt be unusual. Network Vision upgrades will even come online tower by tower and cluster by cluster. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  21. Sorority row Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
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