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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I think the donation model helps. With most of our active members having chipped into the pot, they feel somewhat vested in the site. I think that helps frame everyone's mindset better. Most of our problems arise from non-sponsor members. Robert
  2. No new info. But I like to see this kind of coverage. Thanks for posting. Robert
  3. I asked my wife if she wanted to exchange hers for one with extra vibration and she smacked me. Was it something I said? Robert
  4. Let's define the first batch as something crispy and spicy fried. Emmmm.... Robert
  5. Don't live or die on Daniel's comments. He is, after all, the LTE Nazi. Robert Although, steer clear of Brad Pitt. I hear he likes "Killing Nazis."
  6. I laughed when I read this, because it is a funny quip. But it is a very true statement too. Robert
  7. It's my understanding it is not a court order. It was just a written complaint from Sprint corporate counsel to WordPress. WordPress shut down the site in response to the complaint. WordPress then turned on their client and asked him to prove he did not infringe (when it should be the other way around). I believe WordPress also said they will allow him to re-set up his account if he removes the infringing documents and videos in question, or proves they are not in violation. However, they are clearly in violation. He has posted documents that I have rejected to post because I saw the copyrights and passed on them. Robert
  8. Sprint changed their minds mid-stream. Just as the first LTE sites were being completed. Sprint intended to, from the beginning, to allow LTE sites to be discoverable to customers who had LTE devices and were within range of a completed LTE site. However, around the end of April, they changed their mind and requested their OEM's to come up with a way to block Sprint LTE devices from connecting to the LTE network. They discussed several options and selected the best solution to implement. It was a last minute and hasty decision to block LTE. And it has nothing to do with the network and being ready. It's about a device issue that Sprint doesn't want discovered. It would be figured out in two days if they allow their LTE network to go live. Robert
  9. Yeah, but I live in a steep valley. No signals are getting in unless they are broadcast here. There are two TV translators in Espanola, but they are pointed the wrong way for me...and there is a hill between us. Not that I would use it anyway. Robert
  10. Yeah, I read it earlier today. He cannot fight the request, because he would have to reveal his identity. And he would be terminated. Which makes you wonder why he'd do it. Eventually they are going to start giving out misinformation to small groups of people inside Sprint to start narrowing down when and where it pops out. You can smoke out a mole easily if you are looking for one. Robert
  11. Yeah. I hear ya. And the white probably will mask the fingerprints in the upper rear panel better than the black. Robert
  12. The same thing could happen to us too. I intentionally never post documents that have Sprint copyright or confidential disclosures. And most Sprint documents do. So I avoid them like the plague. Robert
  13. There is no way in the world I could get a signal at my house. We are off the TV grid. Robert
  14. I believe they are very worried. But they cannot deploy Network Vision over the whole country in 6 months. They have to pick the order of markets very carefully. I know that the markets that they relegated to 2013 must have been a very hard decision. They stand to lose millions of customers like you. Robert
  15. Two reasons... 1. Only 16% of all the sites in the market have been converted as of the writing of this article. If you are on a legacy site, then nothing has changed for you, yet. 2. Not all the 3G Network Vision sites have new backhaul on the day they go live. If the backhaul has not landed at the site when NV crews show up, they still convert the site to Network Vision and hook up the legacy backhaul for a short time until the new backhaul arrives. So in some sites, there is a slight delay until normal NV performance takes over. Sprint is not blocking access to the 3G network at completed Network Vision sites. We are getting lots of good reports of much improved speeds at confirmed completed sites in the Lynn/Beverly area. 1.5Mbps to 2.6Mbps. Robert
  16. Yeah, I saw this earlier. My wife is gonna be pissed. And here is a partial shot from a Sprint ad:
  17. If you need 4G LTE service when your contract is up, then you will have to leave Sprint and get another carrier. Sprint will not begin deployment in the Arkansas market until next year. I too live in a market that will not begin deployment until next year. But Sprint still meets my needs for the money. I'm willing to wait it out, but I understand not everyone can. Robert
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