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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. This is a very bad and very poorly timed article. It is using a lot of really old data and trying to make it relevant to a story now. It is quoting material deliveries from the 3rd Quarter of 2011! Yes, NV did start later in 2011 than originally planned. The schedule information we have provided was compiled well after those initial start up delays occurred. Network Vision has always had a large ramp up in the schedule in the 3rd quarter of 2012. This was to allow for a learning curve of installation, allow planning and permitting to get ahead and give backhaul installs an opportunity to be installed. If Sprint and their OEM's don't increase the production rate next month as it has always been scheduled, then there are going to be schedule issues. However, this article does not address the ramp up that will occur next month with any specific data. If something causes the ramp up to be a problem, then we can start crying. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  2. Dance Club Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  3. At last! *sang like Etta James* Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  4. I'm happy for you guys, I really am. *sniffle* Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  5. S4GRU


    My wife had the same issue last night where it would not connect to mobile data at all on her EVO LTE. However, it came back after a hard reboot. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  6. S4GRU is not a complaint board about Sprint. Negative comments need to be constructive in nature. The incessant rambling about how temporary fixes aren't good enough is too much. Please move on from that side discussion. Network Vision is the solution to Sprint's network problems. Customers will not see permanent relief until then. Either you can hold out for NV, or you can't. If you can, these complaints are pointless because you know the solution is coming and you just have to wait for them. If you cannot wait, then you should probably find another carrier that better meets your needs. No one should pay for a carrier that doesn't meet their needs. And we never advocate anyone stay with Sprint if its not in their interest. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  7. last will Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  8. I have always been supportive of ISN. However, we are two separate types of sites. We are a network focused site. Inside Sprint Now is mostly made up of info that is available in the Sprint system for customer service reps. ISN posts very little network stuff. We post very little Sprint program and sales info. ISN is a blog, S4GRU offers forums and maps and PRL's, etc. in addition to our articles. We have a staff, he is a guy. I wish ISN all the successes possible. However, I am concerned for him. I think Sprint is on the war path, and I'm trying to fly under the radar. I have some stories myself, but I am not prepared to discuss them publicly at this time. If you want S4GRU to degress our features and just be a blog where I control the dialog and you guys can only comment on my posts, then you are going to be disappointed. That is contrary to the posted mission of S4GRU. Our site will continue forward based on the dynamic changes that occur, within the framing of our mission. We also appreciate the opinions put forth by our sponsor members and especially Premier sponsor members to help keep the community geared toward their interests. Thousands of people appreciate S4GRU and the type of community we provide. And I think the majority of users like the site and its format. We will not please everyone. I guess you are one of them. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  9. Its in the queue. I'm attempting to put them out in launch order, as best as I can determine them. The Miami/West Palm article is coming soon. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  10. jet airplane Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  11. to S4GRU. Hope to see you around. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  12. We will have a schedule update article soon for the West Washington market. Stay tuned. Robert
  13. I believe that in some cases they are. I know that Sprint was having problems getting additional T1's from some ILEC's...especially CenturyLink. I heard that in Central Illinois, they had some T1's get backordered over a year! So they were considering some AAV alternatives in these instances if they can get it out there fast enough. I believe there is an issue with some vendor equipment routers and AAV though. Some legacy routers will not play with some types of AAV and they have to switch those out too. I think sometimes we get overly simplistic with our criticisms and solutions, and we really don't know all the complexities and the scale Sprint and Ericsson are going through to keep this old hodge podged network running. Network Vision will give so much more monitoring and scalability for the future. It is going to be night and day. Robert
  14. eHRPD is 3G EVDO that is capable of handing off to LTE seamlessly (because it uses the same 4G core and all IP architecture like LTE). It was originally believed that eHRPD was being deployed only in markets where LTE deployment is active. However, this has been proven not true. eHRPD is installed by software upgrade and does not require technicians to be at the site. eHRPD is confirmed as occurring in markets far in advance of LTE deployment in many instances. The Georgia market will not start NV/LTE deployment until next year. However, the 4G Core that eHRPD runs on for the Georgia market is live now (because it's the same as Atlanta), so they went ahead and started upgrading your market to eHRPD in advance. Hope that makes sense to you. It's kind of convoluted. Robert
  15. S4GRU

    NYC LTE updates?

    We will have a NYC Network Vision schedule update tomorrow or Friday. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com. Robert
  16. No offense to the OP...but this subject has been spoken about since the founding of S4GRU. Probably twenty times over, and in God only knows how many chats. All things considered, Sprint is sitting in a better spectrum position than AT&T for the long term. AT&T is the one who should be quaking in their boots. And furthermore, there is no spectrum crisis. There is only an inexpensive and easy to deploy on spectrum crisis. Even if Sprint "runs out" of spectrum, they can keep splitting cells and turn to picocells and microcells for more capacity. That is just a more expensive solution. Robert
  17. You guys sure aren't giving any of our sources any confidence with these posts. Robert
  18. The Dinosaur market. j/k Vernal is in Sprint's Utah Market: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/gallery/image/284-sprint-market-map-utah/ Robert
  19. No. It's possible to create a 3G only device that could run on eHRPD. However, eHRPD was created to allow LTE devices to seamlessly transfer back and forth to EVDO. So, only a LTE device needs eHRPD. eHRPD is EVDO-A, and doesn't have better speeds (all things being equal). In a completed NV site, eHRPD and EVDO-A share the same backhaul. However, EVDO data goes to the Sprint MSC Switch and eHRPD goes to the 4G DDC (Core). So on a complete NV site, EVDO and eHRPD should have nearly identical speeds. However, if there is a bottleneck at the Switch, it is possible that EVDO could be slower than eHRPD. Also, the reverse is true, but less likely. Robert
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