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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. watched phone Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  2. I hear they never boil... Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  3. Hawk Nest Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  4. United Airlines Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  5. You can run Sensorly two ways. You can open the app and hit the speed test button and it will log the location you are in at the moment. Or you can select map trip and it will plot all the LTE coverage everywhere you go. Just make sure you hit Start and Stop while using the map trip feature. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  6. OK...the first Sensorly LTE confirmation in the LA market is in Reseda: http://sensorly.com/fullscreen/map/4G/US/USA/Sprint/lte_310sprint#q=reseda,california Robert
  7. I wish that I had a "slap-down" emoticon! There is no correlation at all. There are some markets that have eHRPD in part of them (like the Georgia market) and they will not get LTE until next year. Some had LTE go live a few days before eHRPD. There is just no way to take an eHRPD live date and guess when LTE will show up. Sorry. Robert
  8. Where at??? Also, please post to Sensorly so we can track it. Thanks! Robert
  9. This map shows all the sites that will be upgraded to Network Vision/LTE: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/653-network-vision-site-map-northern-californianevada/ This map shows all the sites converted to date (go to the Samsung map): http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/517-nv-sites-complete/ Robert
  10. It may be a typo. We have had reports from members seeing activity in the West Kentucky market for the past few weeks at Sprint towers. However, I'll take any good news. If Sprint is moving ahead in East Kentucky than originally scheduled, that would be great. We should know in a few weeks if we see East KY sites start appearing in the NV Sites Complete maps. Thanks. Robert
  11. Yes, the one on the west side of the site has Sprint on it. You can see it on the Sponsor map for the New Orleans market as well: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/579-network-vision-site-map-new-orleans-memphis-gulf-coast-east-texas-mississippi-and-louisiana-markets/ Robert
  12. Do you even read our Sponsor maps and keep up with the deployment in Chicago? The Chicago deployment is so much farther ahead than all the other markets. You can clearly see if you look exactly where the deployment is in your market. There are 591 sites complete to date in Chicago. That's 52% of the total number of sites. And deployment is still continuing gangbusters. Every week, Chicago has another 20-50 sites gets accepted from Sprint as complete. Most of the other Sprint markets launched to date were launched with 15%-25% site completion. Chicago is already over 50%, and Chicago has not even been launched yet. The Chicago launch will be much better than the other markets. In fact, Chicago deployment should be the model for all the other remaining markets in the country. You do realize that Verizon only converts 40% to 50% of their sites within a market initially, right? And even after launch, they will still be deploying, making the network denser and denser. It's not my job to convince you. I am just amazed you cannot see this with all the data available on this site to Sponsors. Robert
  13. Philadelphia is under way. West Kentucky should be starting soon. But East Kentucky is not under way. It will not begin until 2013. Robert
  14. Typically, eHRPD is activated over a whole cluster of sites or over the whole market. I have only seen a few instances when it seemed isolated to only one site. And it has been quite a long time since we've seen that. Robert
  15. Some sites have to be hot-swapped. When that happens, they have to take down the site and do the conversion. Hot swaps are usually required for sites when they do not have room for two sets of base station cabinets (or in a few cases, do not have room for the doubled up panels). About 20% of sites require a hot-swap. Robert
  16. eHRPD has come and gone and come back in several markets. The software upgrade allows a site to be able to run eHRPD. However, eHRPD is still controlled by the master network and can be turned on and off as desired by Sprint. It can turned on and off by site, cluster, market, region, core or over the entire network as needed. Robert
  17. I agree with your statement in principle. However, in the case of the GS3, the previous LG8 update worked well for LTE, and LTE could always be connected to when cycling through airplane mode. And the minor tweaks that came in LI3 does seem to allow for the GS3 to auto connect better/faster. But it still would have been able to find LTE even to the most faintest signals beforehand. It just might not have been able to autoconnect to a faint signal. Sounds about right. However, any carrier can be swamped in a case where the sector gets overwhelmed (like at ballparks or special events). In those cases, DAS or picocells are needed to support the extra demand. A standard macrocell nearby just can't handle those kinds of loads. Robert
  18. Excellent. Where was this taken? Also, when you get a chance, please run the Sensorly app so we can see it and track the LTE progress here: http://sensorly.com/fullscreen/map/4G/US/USA/Sprint/lte_310sprint#q=los_angeles,california Robert
  19. Holy moly! I almost choked on my cherry coke when I read this. Surprising. Thanks for the update. Robert
  20. Tell them to run the Sensorly app so it can be verified and seen by the rest of us. Thanks! Robert
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