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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. If Dish was being competitive with their offers, they would be pursuing the largest shareholder. Going after a small and vocal minority group of shareholders is not competitive at all. Crest knew the limitations of being a minority shareholder with a majority shareholder that holds more than 50% and has a vested interest in the outcome. These are not small personal investors. They knew the risk all along. Why would Sprint give up its powers, its financial stake and spectrum resources just because there is some bitchy minority shareholders who want more money? Where was Crest when Clearwire needed more money and about to bankrupt? Sprint just needs to run out the clock and show these minority shareholders just how much risk they have. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  2. I did not see anything that I would see as iPhone bashing from S4GRU staff. To state why iOS doesn't meet your needs or Android does, or vice versa, is not bias. It is preference. S4GRU is open to all people, regardless of OS preference. However, at this time, for the pure wireless nerd demographic, Android typically provides an experience that gives the most usable network info to the geek set. And, as AJ pointed out above, pure Android devices are typically the worst Android devices at getting network data. I sometimes want to throw my Nexus 4 out the window because it stealths from me a lot of network data that I want to know. So most of us are not in love with Android, as so much as we are in love with wanting to know about the network. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. It will be added to the map some time today or tonight. However, it is the very last Sprint site before the Arizona border. It's on the Frontage Road, set back from I-40. Robert
  4. It just prolongs a stalemate. Dish's current proposal cannot be approved by Clearwire. And Sprint will never vote for it. Dish says its current price offer is contingent on these changes to governance, which cannot and won't happen. Essentially making the offer void. The minority hold out greedholders will just get louder in the cries that Sprint is preventing them from making unjustified sums. Dish knows this. I actually think this is Dish's goal. To build anger and discontentment against Sprint/SoftBank and delay Sprint from being able to close a deal. This is actually their best strategy. However, I feel that since Dish is now becoming a Sprint competitor by getting into the wireless market, they are making competing bids just to disrupt their competitor from doing business. This would be against the law. If Dish makes another unactionable bid at the last hour in the future, the SEC should get involved. Robert
  5. Just a summary of activity in the ABQ market: Albuquerque: Full build sites underway, one site accepted 3G, one site confirmed under way. Santa Fe: One full build site confirmed. None accepted. Farmington: One full build site confirmed. None accepted. Clovis: Three sites accepted 3G. Gallup: One site accepted 3G. El Paso: Three sites accepted 3G, one accepted LTE. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. New site accepted yesterday. 3G NV accepted on a site outside Gallup on I-40. The site location will be added to the Sponsor maps in the next map refresh. Robert
  7. White Trash Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  8. Yes, I read that in the paper a few days ago. Unfortunately, given the culture in New Mexico about both activities, I was not shocked that such an event took place here. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  9. This summer there will be hotspot/USB devices. This Fall for smartphones. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. Sprint is just making it clear that the purchase proposal from DISH is unactionable without Sprint's approval. All these ridiculous terms DISH put in the offer require changes to governance that will require current stockholder approval. Any changes without current stockholder approval would be a violation of law. So Sprint is just reminding everyone that this latest offer is garbage, it is unactionable, as it requires Sprint approval. And Sprint says they will not approve. And approving it would be suicide of the majority shareholder. Sprint has given Billions of dollars in cash and spectrum assets and has every right to protect those assets from the Pirate Plunderer Charlie Ergen. Sprint's even goes as far as to say, "Isn't it convenient that DISH made such a proposal, that it knows cannot be acted on, and will not be acted on, at the last minute before a Clearwire vote?" Now that DISH is being called out for making an offer that is unactionable at the last minute, there should be an investigation by the SEC. Dish is making itself a competitor of Sprint nowadays, and is now doing anything and everything to disrupt the process. They intentionally made a bad offer that could not be accepted to extend out the clock. This deal, other than raising the amount, is the worst deal of all. It's time for the SEC to smack Charlie's hand. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. I don't necessarily prefer Android, myself. However, it is the only OS currently now that meet my needs. And I don't think iOS, BB or WP will be pursuing the wireless nerd crowd anytime soon. We definitely are a niche market. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  12. Negative. These are legacy cabinets. I did go over and look at the Indian School/Tramway site when I left Hinkle. It turned out from a distance what I thought was Sprint was actually AT&T Ericsson RRU's. No NV work at either of these two sites you've listed, I'm afraid. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  13. That bottom pic of the base station cabinets are legacy. New ALU cabinets look different. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  14. If any new iPhone is heralded as the Jesus Phone, does that make a highly anticipated Google phone the Satan Phone? Just asking... Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  15. I think the confusion with the reps is they are confusing work starting with LTE being ready. Since I have access to Sprint site databases, and not one LTE site has been completed to date anywhere in the West Texas market, I know it's going to be a while until full coverage or completion. It typically takes 6-12 months for full coverage to appear over a market. Since West Texas is not a huge market in number of sites, it may be like 6-8 months. They just started in West Texas in April. You will likely have a few sites live in the next 30-45 days in this market. Full coverage between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and market completion middle of next year. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. I suppose this is plausible. It would help BB sales a little. Wait, didn't this device already go through the FCC? Maybe there is a different Sprint variant? We will see soon. It's too bad. I planned on buying the first tri-band smartphone. But if it's the Q10, I wouldn't bother. I don't want a physical keyboard device with a midget screen. If it were the Z10 or another better BB on screen keyboard device, I would probably get it. If the Q10 does end up being the first Sprint triband smartphone, I think I'll pass. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  17. Sprint is deploying 800MHz voice now in about 2-3 dozen markets. Some of these have started noticing 800 voice going love, or will very shortly. 800MHz travels farther and penetrates much better. The remaining markets will start 800 voice deployment this summer. It will take another 6-9 months to complete 800 voice implementation nationwide, Starting this summer, Sprint will also start deploying LTE on 800MHz. LTE 800 will greatly improve Sprint LTE coverage. Especially in between cell site gaps and indoor coverage. It is estimated it will take a year to complete LTE 800 coverage. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  18. hamburger patty Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  19. I think at best, BB10 has possibly stopped the mass BlackBerry exit. However, Sprint cannot offer a whole lot of models of BB devices. They will cannibalize each other and then no model will sell enough units to justify carrying them. Sprint was wise to wait for the second BB touch screen model, if it is indeed so much better than the Z10 as has been said. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  20. I was able to get one Sensorly Tmo LTE track plotted on my way out of Albuquerque. You can see where it just dropped me on I-25. One thing I noticed after being dropped...it would not reconnect to the same site, no sector, no matter what. No airplane mode cycling, turning off radio, changing modes or rebooting would allow me to reconnect to the same site. But I had no problems connecting to the next site. At least until the network thew me off. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  21. That worked! Although it throws me off after 2 mins or so. Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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