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Galaxy S5 or S5 sport or LG G3?


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Trying to pick next phone, I am leaning towards the s5 sport for the rubber grip and water resistance.

(I've been caught in the rain very often on my bikes)


The LG g3 looks real nice though.  They are all the same price with how I get the phones.  Any chance the sport would not get the OS upgrades as fast as the regular s5 or any other issues with it?


All seem rootable, (probably more of an issue to make sure I don't have under armor quotes on the s5 sport?)


Anyone got real world experience comparing the radios between the three?  

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Trying to pick next phone, I am leaning towards the s5 sport for the rubber grip and water resistance.

(I've been caught in the rain very often on my bikes)


The LG g3 looks real nice though.  They are all the same price with how I get the phones.  Any chance the sport would not get the OS upgrades as fast as the regular s5 or any other issues with it?


All seem rootable, (probably more of an issue to make sure I don't have under armor quotes on the s5 sport?)


Anyone got real world experience comparing the radios between the three?


Just my experience the s5 is the best RF performance wise on band 26. Havent seen band 41 performance on it yet. Rooting the s5 was really easy with towelroot. And known wasnt tripped.
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I'm not sold on quad displays. Unnecessary power draws on battery for no noticeable improvement. I can't see pixels on 1080p. Why would I want even more, since it is quadruple the number of pixels drawing on the battery?


Hell, my 720p HD screen on my Sharp AQUOS Crystal is even really good. We've surpassed usability in pixel count for smartphones. 720-1080 is plenty for smartphones. You need a much larger screen to get a benefit of Quad HD display, IMO.

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I'm not sold on quad displays. Unnecessary power draws on battery for no noticeable improvement. I can't see pixels on 1080p. Why would I want even more, since it is quadruple the number of pixels drawing on the battery?


Hell, my 720p HD screen on my Sharp AQUOS Crystal is even really good. We've surpassed usability in pixel count for smartphones. 720-1080 is plenty for smartphones. You need a much larger screen to get a benefit of Quad HD display, IMO.

This this this this this! People bag on the iPhone because it doesn't have a QHD display or whatever, but come on....Why do you need a screen that high in pixels. I have absolutely 0 issues with my "basic iPhone 6" retina screen which is amazing by the way (and that isn't just being very biased towards apple products, that is proven in multiple reviews).


QHD displays are simply put, over kill. They are nothing but a selling point, battery sucker, and really are not needed in a  phone (tablet sure)...And the biggest and most annoying issue is they cause un-needed noticeable lag in screens.

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Where Apple got it wrong IMHO is they should have made the phone like the Nexus 5/6 and included all radios so I could buy an iPhone direct from Apple, and it on at least Sprint/TMO/ATT.  


They made the right decision not going QHD.  That said, 4K videos on youtube come across to the G3 in 1440P and they do look awesome in that resolution, you can tell a difference between that and 1080p for sure, but I still don't think its worth the battery life.


Maybe in the future when most video is 4K it will be worth it.    I think QHD is here to stay now that the note 4 went there.  I just hope we don't get into a resolution pissing contest with 2015 phones coming with 4K displays and horrible battery life.

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I own the iPhone 6+ and the G3 and while QHD is not needed for most things, watching 4K videos is light years ahead of 1080p in terms of resolution. You can certainly see the difference between the two screens, especially when comparing 4K and 1080p.


Beyond that, there is a huge battery penalty for having a QHD screen. The 6+ has insane battery life and an awesome screen. I do miss the G3 screen when watching videos, though.



Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Crapatalk

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