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1X Roaming while EVDO native?

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This isn't the correct forum for this, but most likely you are roaming with 1x and EV-DO on Verizon's network. 


I am not a business account. I think I could only get 1X roaming. By the way, how could I make the image smaller? I probably should post it in general topic or LTE roll out

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I am not a business account. I think I could only get 1X roaming. By the way, how could I make the image smaller? I probably should post it in general topic or LTE roll out


You're voice is on Verizon, your data is on Sprint. Covered many times before.


Edit: You're roaming Voice and Data on Verizon. There have been recent PRL updates.

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You're voice is on Verizon, your data is on Sprint. Covered many times before.


Edit: You're roaming Voice and Data on Verizon. There have been recent PRL updates.


Really? Now, we can have 3G roaming? :tu:

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Really? Now, we can have 3G roaming? :tu:


I'd have to see the latest PRL you're on, know what area you're in when this is happening and etc etc etc etc. We can either decipher it to know for sure or just enjoy that you have it. :2tu:

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My Stock PRL is 55019

And it is in DC.


*Cough* We can either decipher it to know for sure or just enjoy that you have it. :2tu:*Cough*

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So, is it EVDO roaming? Or 1X Roaming?

I have also ran into this but it was on a Sprint tower in an area where Sprint doesn't have tower and it was showing me roaming on my Native network.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure you can't roam on Verizon's eHRPD so that's likely Sprint's data.  But you are roaming on Verizon's 1x for voice/texting.


You're right, you can't.  It will not authenticate on eHRPD and will then reauthenticate on EVDO.



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