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sprint dead last in consumer reports downfrom no 2 last year


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Remember a lot of polls measure perception.  Perception doesn't always equal reality but it does affect what consumers purchase with their wallets.


As someone who works in marketing I can tell you that unless you market with a message that resonates to the customer it doesn't matter.   Consumers are less forgiving and even less likely to return to a carrier who left a sour taste in their mouths.   And even if they do come back they are still skeptical and will utilize the 14 or 30 day return window really quick if they start noticing the issues that caused them to leave the first time around.  


I know people with terrible service on one of the two largest carriers but they won't leave because they think everyone else sucks. 


There is another segment of industry watchers who are skeptical of Sprint because of the promises of yesteryear that never came to fruition.  Sure we can argue "but it was different back then.... Softbank was not in the picture,"  but again you are going to have a hard time convincing people who don't trust you.


Then you have the various delays of LTE and backhaul deployment (not entirely Sprint's fault) but you can't blame people for rolling their eyes at this either).  


Sprint will get there if their management is serious.  They will have more delays and setbacks but that's part of the game.  


Look at AT&T.  All the money in the world but for the longest time their network has had to take a backseat to Verizon.  Money isn't everything and promises of grander will only attract the fanboys.  


If T-Mobile keeps kicking Sprint's butt in LTE deployment and net adds then there is nothing more to do but sit back and keep arguing.  Investors want to see Sprint win back marketshare or they will remain cynical.  

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Apparently someone over at SprintUsers thinks we're not hitting Ericsson hard enough.




Here's a hint eyoungren, since you are reading this. You guessed the wrong vendor, you clown.

 I would ask this question over at s4gru.com where I pull this info, but I'm not a member there and have no desire to be a part of that sanctimonious crowd.



I laughed at this.

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Remember a lot of polls measure perception.  Perception doesn't always equal reality but it does affect what consumers purchase with their wallets.


As someone who works in marketing I can tell you that unless you market with a message that resonates to the customer it doesn't matter.   Consumers are less forgiving and even less likely to return to a carrier who left a sour taste in their mouths.   And even if they do come back they are still skeptical and will utilize the 14 or 30 day return window really quick if they start noticing the issues that caused them to leave the first time around.  


I know people with terrible service on one of the two largest carriers but they won't leave because they think everyone else sucks. 


There is another segment of industry watchers who are skeptical of Sprint because of the promises of yesteryear that never came to fruition.  Sure we can argue "but it was different back then.... Softbank was not in the picture,"  but again you are going to have a hard time convincing people who don't trust you.


Then you have the various delays of LTE and backhaul deployment (not entirely Sprint's fault) but you can't blame people for rolling their eyes at this either).  


Sprint will get there if their management is serious.  They will have more delays and setbacks but that's part of the game.  


Look at AT&T.  All the money in the world but for the longest time their network has had to take a backseat to Verizon.  Money isn't everything and promises of grander will only attract the fanboys.  


If T-Mobile keeps kicking Sprint's butt in LTE deployment and net adds then there is nothing more to do but sit back and keep arguing.  Investors want to see Sprint win back marketshare or they will remain cynical.  


Honestly, with a rebrand and a price cut people forget REALLY quickly. Look at how many scandals we get over food safety or banking and people end up going straight back throwing their money at people who have been proven at best hard of thinking and more likely dangerously dishonest. 'Some' people remember, the type of people who care enough to do some research, the folks on these forums, but sadly we live in a world where a significant percentage of the population fall into the can't think, won't think category. Marketing messages work, but thats kind of the point, they work too well :) One rebrand, a few shiny adverts and some coupons later and sure you don't have the share of the market that can think back but you have a huge chunk of the rest back. 



Do this do that do more of this do that with a little more this, right.


The problem is that Sprint didn't complete the first step and they're already on step four. They should be walking before they go running.


The survey is about customer satisfaction, if they aren't happy, they aren't happy.


Want customer stories about not being happy, head over to Reddit. Some sound like actual problems, not just uneducated whining.



But if they did it like you suggest people would whine about how long it takes. Sprint's situation is evolving, spectrum wise and financing wise. On top of that technology is evolving. If they waited until lte was rolled out entirely on pcs before beginning 800 or 2500 then doing everything one step at a time it would take a lot longer and people would complain even more. Sprint customer service is great, one of the best I have experienced, their in store staff are excellent and don't treat you like a cash pinata and are HONEST. They don't grab you at the door and try and log all your details into a tablet so they can hound you. They know their products very well and have always been honest about shortcomings. Thats pretty rare these days.


There are problems with their network rollout in areas (and not in others) but your average consumer just goes my phone doesn't work sprint sucks. There is most definitely the argument that they shouldn't have to know too much about why it didn't work, but the flip side is it is perfectly valid to say we do know whats going on and that it's valid to say that will change over the next year. 

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The only way out for Sprint is through... and the problem, if anything, is that contractors are not always doing their jobs on their end. *cough*Ericsson*cough*. Though, eventually if Ericsson continues to have issues, it will be felt with the people who Ericsson reports to.


As much as I get annoyed with Ericsson and the seeming lack of progress being made, I must also acknowledge one important detail from the few weeks that I have had my new LTE capable phone. Florida is freaking covered in LTE. It is practically blanketed from end to end in glorious high speed goodness. I am not quite sure how it is that Ericsson pulled it off, especially considering how much it has slowed down as of late. But, I do have to give credit where it is due.

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As much as I get annoyed with Ericsson and the seeming lack of progress being made, I must also acknowledge one important detail from the few weeks that I have had my new LTE capable phone. Florida is freaking covered in LTE. It is practically blanketed from end to end in glorious high speed goodness. I am not quite sure how it is that Ericsson pulled it off, especially considering how much it has slowed down as of late. But, I do have to give credit where it is due.

You give them too much credit. Ericsson has been an epic failure with NV. I knew it was bad news reading about the three vendors when NV started. Another thing not realized right now is the corners that Ericsson was allowed to cut by signing off on their own work. They didn't always sign off but a lot of times they did. In Samsung markets they had to go above and beyond to get things signed off on. I have already seen this with a few NV sites that have gone off line several times since the market launched. I am not even going to speak about their lack of 1xA, 800smr, etc. I was happy to see they are not part of the 2.6 rollout.

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There are real problems. And 90%+ are the network. Nothing they can do but keep on it. Keep trudging forward. And for some, it won't be fast enough. And they should leave. No sense in having an aneurism over a wireless carrier.


However, after 30 days of AT&T, I can tell you the grass is not greener. With every carrier it's about weighing pros and cons and going with the one you can best tolerate.


Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Are you having issues with VZW or did you just want to try AT&T (it looks like they're HSPA only there) ?


Are there other carriers in Rapid City?



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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You are forewarned, this is definitely NSFW.  But this sums up the 'Murica attitude...




'Murica is basically a few hundred million ignorant consumers, even though the free market does not function properly without knowledge and research.


And the second is a reflection on the state of Web comments in 'Murica...





Those were perfect for this holiday weekend. I've ventured home for the holidays and I'm currently smack dab in the middle of 'Murica. No lie I had a relative crow that he was thankful for the 2nd Amendment at the dinner table. It was legendary and of course after dinner we had to go shoot some things. Hey who doesn't like football and controlled explosions?


The second video is the perfect soundtrack to my family after turkey day dinner. I love coming home for the holidays.

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Are there other carriers in Rapid City?


Nope. VZW bought out or ran out all other providers, then divested one property to AT&T. It is a bit like Walmart coming to town and wiping out the local businesses.



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Honestly, with a rebrand and a price cut people forget REALLY quickly. Look at how many scandals we get over food safety or banking and people end up going straight back throwing their money at people who have been proven at best hard of thinking and more likely dangerously dishonest. 'Some' people remember, the type of people who care enough to do some research, the folks on these forums, but sadly we live in a world where a significant percentage of the population fall into the can't think, won't think category. Marketing messages work, but thats kind of the point, they work too well :) One rebrand, a few shiny adverts and some coupons later and sure you don't have the share of the market that can think back but you have a huge chunk of the rest back.




But if they did it like you suggest people would whine about how long it takes. Sprint's situation is evolving, spectrum wise and financing wise. On top of that technology is evolving. If they waited until lte was rolled out entirely on pcs before beginning 800 or 2500 then doing everything one step at a time it would take a lot longer and people would complain even more. Sprint customer service is great, one of the best I have experienced, their in store staff are excellent and don't treat you like a cash pinata and are HONEST. They don't grab you at the door and try and log all your details into a tablet so they can hound you. They know their products very well and have always been honest about shortcomings. Thats pretty rare these days.


There are problems with their network rollout in areas (and not in others) but your average consumer just goes my phone doesn't work sprint sucks. There is most definitely the argument that they shouldn't have to know too much about why it didn't work, but the flip side is it is perfectly valid to say we do know whats going on and that it's valid to say that will change over the next year.

What store are you going too lol. All 3 Sprint stores in my city no nothing of what triband truly is and don't know where most towers are or what a network vision tower looks like


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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