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Back to legacy after NV upgrade?

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Riverdale...pg county


Ah ok, I was going to be surprised if any DCPS High School had that many students. Hopefully, if they can get that tower online to help relieve some stress on the tower.

Edited by lilotimz
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Ah ok, I was going to be surprised if any DCPS High School had that many students. Hopefully, if they can get that tower online to help relieve some stress on the tower.

Yeah it's parkdale and there's pretty much one tower that serves the school. All traffic from the school good through that one, I can occasionally bounce to another site. 

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  • 1 month later...

It's coming up on 3 months since I thought the tower was upgraded, and I had really great initial 3G speeds, but it's been back to crappy 400-700 kbps for more than 2 months now. Other sites in the immediate area aren't 4G yet but they average around 1.6 Mbps or so.


I've reported it to Sprint several times but all they want to ever do is refresh the profile on my phones and/or hotspot.


Come on, ALU, get your act together and 4G accept some sites!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Network Vision adds DO Advanced, which has great network controls and monitoring.  


If Network Vision adds DO Advanced, will we someday see the 3G 14.7 down / 5.4 up speeds stated on page 3 of Qualcomm's DO Advanced presentation?



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it's been back to crappy 400-700 kbps for more than 2 months now.

Be careful what you complain about.  I'd be happy to get 400-700 kbps -- where I live I'm lucky to hit 100 kbps during the day,  Often it's 50 kbps or less.  Northwest of town where I spend many weekends just got the 1x to 3G Network Vision upgrade, so I'm looking forward to the Network Vision speeds at home too.

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If Network Vision adds DO Advanced, will we someday see the 3G 14.7 down / 5.4 up speeds stated on page 3 of Qualcomm's DO Advanced presentation?





I doubt it, since EVDO RevB was skipped by both Sprint and Verizon. 

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If Network Vision adds DO Advanced, will we someday see the 3G 14.7 down / 5.4 up speeds stated on page 3 of Qualcomm's DO Advanced presentation?



No. DO Advanced in and of itself does not increase speeds beyond 3.1Mbps per carrier. It's being used for network management. However, you can use carrier bonding with DO Advanced and get faster 3G speeds. But this is a step backwards at this point. Because Sprint would have to add a lot of EVDO carriers, and then get a device ecosystem that can support it.


Since Sprint is already putting out LTE on three bands that will completely overlay 3G coverage, it would be redundant and a waste of money and time. When LTE 800 is deployed, people pretty much will stop falling back to 3G. And the higher speeds 3G would never go live at a site earlier than LTE, it would be at the same time. So it would not help anything. And it would reduce the amount of spectrum Sprint could use for LTE.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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3G at home seems to be back to legacy speeds and coverage for me. Used to get abywhere from 1Mbps-2.5Mbps 50-60ms pingd now I'm lucky to get .40Mbps and 300-500ms pings. But we still have LTE which is decent if you're in the right area.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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I chatted with Sprint on Tuesday afternoon and complained about the 3G speeds...they said they would open up a ticket.  Don't know if they actually did, but I actually provided them with the site ID.  Yesterday I noticed things hovering about 0.9-1 Mbps... could they actually have done something that quickly?  And what would they have done?  Or was it just a coincidence?  Now I don't seem to be getting that anymore.


It's just frustrating to me since I have no DSL or cable, so 400 kbps 3G is the only thing we've got!

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I chatted with Sprint on Tuesday afternoon and complained about the 3G speeds...they said they would open up a ticket.  Don't know if they actually did, but I actually provided them with the site ID.  Yesterday I noticed things hovering about 0.9-1 Mbps... could they actually have done something that quickly?  And what would they have done?  Or was it just a coincidence?  Now I don't seem to be getting that anymore.


It's just frustrating to me since I have no DSL or cable, so 400 kbps 3G is the only thing we've got!

Is there no hardwired broadband available where you live?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I live in 03867 and my town recently saw live LTE for 4 days straight. Once the 5th morning arrived I had noticed not only did I not have LTE I also seem to go back to Legecy 3G. In in day 14 and still no LTE or decent 3G. Is this part of the testing phase. I tweeted sprint and they said 4g is not officially live in your town but look for better service in the future. When will it come back they teased me and now it's gone?

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Hi, I live in 03867 and my town recently saw live LTE for 4 days straight. Once the 5th morning arrived I had noticed not only did I not have LTE I also seem to go back to Legecy 3G. In in day 14 and still no LTE or decent 3G. Is this part of the testing phase. I tweeted sprint and they said 4g is not officially live in your town but look for better service in the future. When will it come back they teased me and now it's gone?


Yes, that's testing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll probably jinx myself by saying this, but as of Sunday, they must have plugged in another T1, or else finally connected the fiber...but I'm back to getting 1.5+ speeds!  No LTE yet, though...but I can live with this for now!  Can finally watch Youtube again!

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