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iphone goes straight to voicemail


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half the calls i get go straight to voicemaill even though i have full bars. not roaming either, could it be because of ios 7? or could this be a sprint/hardware issue?


thanks guys.

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In Bowling Green, KY we are having a lot of that problem but it is more due to a capacity issue we are told and not much can be done until NV is done.  Though text messages are also a problem.

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I've been having this issue as well, but only when home. My guess is it's an issue with the tower in the area, though I am also running iOS 7 so I haven't bothered Sprint with it.

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Only time I had that problem was last weekend when I was roaming on Verizon in the mountains, but signal was so weak that I'm sure it was the main reason. I'm on 6.1.2 jailbroken.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

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The only bug on ios 7 is the loop when you call from recent, its starting to bother me.

You can try to double hard reset the phone, usally fixes all the issues on the os.

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