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How should Softbank market the "New" Sprint...


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First of all today was great day for us sprint customers and employees. Now that's official that SoftBank will be the parent company of Sprint & and possibly Clearwire how should SoftBank sprint. When people think of sprint they tend to think of negatives things like (slow data, a lot of dropped calls, etc) you also have those people who laughs at sprint unlimited plan since sprint data is slow. I definitely would like to see new sprint commercials starting next year. Personally I don't think it would be wise to market the new sprint until the network improves. By next year we would have Triband LTE, voice on 800mhz, etc.


Also I think it would be cool if sprint does a cool Superbowl ad and somehow incorporate the negative things people have said in the past and then BOOMS starts talking about how great their network is now and what it would be like in the future. Hopefully their is a new catchy slogan and maybe even a newer symbol.


I just want softbank to market Sprint as a new and improved company and keep it different from the sprint prior to SoftBank. I know it's going to take time and money for all



- I typed this fast and didn't feel like checking my grammar or typos. #sorrynotsorry and since we don't have a lot to talk about now since the SoftBank transaction went through I would like to see some of your ideas

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Sprint will start boasting about its network improvements again when they're close to being finished with NV 1.0.


Get excited and get ready to be surprised.


I know. I'm ready just thankful that I live somewhere that has 800 turned on and has lte

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Rehashed of course from other threads and my comments for many years.  They need to look at their areas where they have low customer percentage numbers.  I'll be you it is 95% due to the network there.  Address the coverage issues, then do some local advertisement/PR work to get people try out the new and improved network with coverage that actually covers the entire metro area.  The word will get around and the tide will start to turn.  Simple business principles, just have to get the balls to do it.  I haven't seen it in 10+ years, I've actually watched one market go from probably a 70% market share to a 10%-20% share simply due to not keeping up with the Jones' for several years.  It's hard to win a customer back and the 10 people they spread the negative experience to, but it can be done.  I believe with Softbank's backing they do have the potential to do this.  Now the question is...will it be done?  Time will only tell and my carrier comparison shopping is coming up towards the end of the year.

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Well it still has to go through FCC approval, of course.  But I don't imagine there should be any issues there.  But, still, saying it's "official" that Softbank will acquire Sprint is inaccurate.  The shareholders may have approved it, but we still must have FCC approval (even if it's likely it has not happened yet).

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SoftBank doesn't have the best satisfaction in Japan too. I hope that doesn't make it harmful to Sprint.

Oh? It's been a few years since I was in Japan, but many college-age people I knew had Softbank, and I never heard of coverage issues, etc. On their recommendation, I picked up a prepaid phone through them, and it worked well. 


Of course, my limited anecdotal experience is far from a national average.

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I think Sprint would be smart to sit on their hands for a bit even after they've completed their improvements. Trust me, I think it will get around my word of mouth if Sprint really does make improvements, and I'd prefer that they have things really sorted out before they start any kind of marketing "blitz." I think Sprint should be really really conscious with setting expectations and making performance claims. 

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They just need to have solid coverage where they offer service. Blanket the highways with 800Mhz 1x and LTE. Fill in their suburban, ex-urban coverage with 800MHz. Get in-buiding coverage by deploying 800MHz network. It's easy to market the network when you have a really solid network. Then start selling the "unlimited" network.

Edited by bigsnake49
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