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Why am I losing bars?

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You didn't drink enough and they went out of business. Go drink more at the 2 left before you loose all your bars.


Sent from my Galaxy S3



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You didn't drink enough and they went out of business. Go drink more at the 2 left before you loose all your bars.


Sent from my Galaxy S3


No loose bars for me though.


Sent from my little Note2



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A loose bar is a good bar. If your single. Which I am not.


Moral of this story? Stay single or you lose your loose bars and they get replaced with permanent, harder to pass through bars.


Sent from my Galaxy S3



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it means your signal isn't as strong as it used to be.


as to why THAT is, it's probably because there is a glitch in the matrix. or they are working on some towers cell sites. or there is some interference.


Or none of the above.


....or all of it.

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Could be your phone busted something inside. Could be tower work. Could be storm damage. Could be some guy in a house between you and the tower has built some type of reflector. Really depends. Are you a sponsor? Check the maps if you are, maybe a site is in progress near you.


Sent from my Galaxy S3



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I know what you mean at my house it goes 5 out of 6 than down to 1 or no bars. Its not the phone everyphone from sprint does this. I can see my tower from my room so I don't know its annoying!

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