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Searching S4GRU Forums


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I've been trying to find a couple of posts for finding my MSL, etc that I know I've seen in several places on the site. However, whenever I try to do any sort of search through the forums on the S4GRU website (haven't tried through tapatalk) I get no results.


Even went with searching for generic terms like msl or prl just to see if any search would work and still get no results returned.


Has anyone else seen the same issues or have any suggestions for searching the forums? I know I've searched in the past and gotten results, maybe something's going on with IPBoard?



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Get a app called get my msl from the playstore and install it. After installing go to phone dialer. Type ##3282# and select edit enter 222222 which is wrong. Exit out of phone dialer. Start get my msl and it should show you what you're msl is.

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Thanks. I tried that app, but it wasn't working on my GS3. Kept getting "ERROR: Could not get property ril.MSL". Even tried the command line methods to get using "getprop ril.MSL" but that returns nothing. Did just getprop and it showed a bunch of properties but ril.MSL was not among them.

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if you have (or can borrow) an old/unused sprint phone, you can swap phones via the sprint web and sprint will email you the MSL (for both phones).



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if you have (or can borrow) an old/unused sprint phone, you can swap phones via the sprint web and sprint will email you the MSL (for both phones).




Thanks dedub. That's what I was trying to search for in the first place. I thought it was in the prl thread...knew I had seen it somewhere in the last couple of days.


Which lead to this thread, why doesn't search seem to work in the forums?

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The search function never works for me either. It always returns a bunch of irrelevant threads. I have to search for an ultra-specific keyword that I know ONLY appears in that thread. Makes it harder to find information especially 60+ page threads.

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The search function never works for me either. It always returns a bunch of irrelevant threads. I have to search for an ultra-specific keyword that I know ONLY appears in that thread. Makes it harder to find information especially 60+ page threads.


From what I can tell, the SEARCH function will not work with only 3 characters.

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Did follow my exact instructions. Because it does work on th GS3.


Tried it on my Note II, just for kicks, and it worked like a charm. Thanks! :tu:

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