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Nextel Towers

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I decided to start a new thread why are Nextel towers installing microwave dishes? And 12 antennas? This is the Connecticut page http://www.ct.gov/cs...Q=248312=| Click on the Database of CSC-Approved Telecommunications Sites


I am not sure what you are talking about. That database includes lots of Nextel iDEN sites with 12 panels. But did you bother to check the dates on those site installs? They are are all 5-15 years old.



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Maybe NV conversions?


Using 12 panels? Not a chance.



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Using 12 panels? Not a chance.



Sprint has 9 panels currently that doesn't support that much lol. I know the new ones are multiband but still 3? Seems a little underkill

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Sprint has 9 panels currently that doesn't support that much lol. I know the new ones are multiband but still 3? Seems a little underkill


With multiple band software defined radios, you don't need as many panels. Network Vision is far more efficient in that regard.

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Sprint has 9 panels currently that doesn't support that much lol. I know the new ones are multiband but still 3? Seems a little underkill


I believe the old equipment only supported one band per panel, and only a couple of carriers each.


The new equipment is MUCH more capable than the old equipment. A single panel is capable of attaching multiple RRUs (6 I think) and those can independently support different bands within the spectrum available and multiple technologies (1xRTT/EvDO/LTE) out of the same panel.

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  • 1 month later...
With Nextel Going out will sprint relocate there new panels up higher to nextels position?


Maybe on some sites they will. I hope they can on as many as possible, but don't get your hopes up.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

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With Nextel Going out will sprint relocate there new panels up higher to nextels position?


Probably not unless it was in the RF design. Going up higher isn't always a good thing.


Sent from my little Note2



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That's correct. Higher is not better. It's only higher. In many places, especially in small cells and urban locations, going higher would make no difference. It would just be a waste of money.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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Maybe on some sites they will. I hope they can on as many as possible, but don't get your hopes up.


You mean, "Don't set your hopes too high."





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