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tri band phones

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To someone that has limited knowledge of this stuff (me) that seems to make the most sense. I can't wait to get one -- I am so curious as to what the 800 band will do for me being in between two 1900 towers in which I rely on an airrave...

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I've been waiting for this. Hopefully there aren't too many new release distractions between now and the end of the year as I tend to jump on the next flagship device every six months or so.

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As I expected, I'll be upgrading my phone mid-year (one year after getting my current handset). I can live with that...my SIII will probably command a fair amount of resale value...but this just underscores the fact that 24-month contracts are broken these days, with everyone refreshing hardware in cool ways every year. *shrugs*

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What do you guys do to get a new device? You guys buy them at the full amount or what? I would like to upgrade every so often but I find it to be too expensive.


Sent from my GS3 using Tapatalk 2

I buy at full amount if I need a phone more than once a year otherwise I use the line I got for my mother to use as an emergency phone alternated with my line. By selling my phones when I am done I have not paid anything for my phones for the last 5 years or so (ATT 8125 was last phone that actually cost me money)

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What do you guys do to get a new device? You guys buy them at the full amount or what? I would like to upgrade every so often but I find it to be too expensive.


Sent from my GS3 using Tapatalk 2


I personally take very good care of my devices... Sell them on eBay/Craigslist and use the proceeds to discount the full price purchase.

Sold my gs3 for $375, picked up note 2 for $535. After eBay fees , I'm in something close to the $249-300 price it was going for in December.


I'm not going to get too excited for these multi band phones just yet. All in time. It's not a reason to delay a purchase you were about to make, say for a note 2. If sprint said "late 2013" I would expect that mean an oct-nov launch. Then u have to wonder, what will it be? Prob not the galaxy 4 as that will already be out. The new evo? Doubtful that we get past the summer without a new evo. Maybe the next note or a Flagship "re-released" .Maybe a Motorola given the time frame we usually get those. Then comes question of when your market gets smr LTE and if it gets 2.5LTE..... If you're in a fringe area, you will enjoy smr voice with all the current phones....so if LTE is your reasoning to wait, we'll I guess..... Just think the waiting game will cause irritability and anger if you waited for that perfect device and it turns out to be a battery or signal turd or you don't see the other spectrum used in your area until late 2014

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I'll be looking out for the tri band LTE devices. My contract ends in June 2013 and I would love to pick up a LTE phones with 800/1900/2500 MHz LTE support. If the SGS4 phone has tri band LTE, I am sold.

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What do you guys do to get a new device? You guys buy them at the full amount or what? I would like to upgrade every so often but I find it to be too expensive.


Sent from my GS3 using Tapatalk 2


My brother and I have an agreement. I get to use his upgrade (and my own) to get new phones every year then he gets what I had last as a hand-me-down. It works for me as I have yearly upgrades and it works for him because he doesn't like to spend money to buy new phones but wants to upgrade too (would've gotten a free phone anyway) and he get's one of the best phones from a year ago which is decidedly better than the free phone.

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