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Connecting to 4G Towers (Galaxy Note 2)

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I was having issues with my new Galaxy Note 2 connecting to LTE towers. I would get them after an airplane mode cycle and was concerned that it might be suffering from the same issues that the EVO LTE has.


I started this thread at XDA and somebody told me to turn Roaming mode from Auto to Sprint Only and it seems to be working well.


Just wanted to let other people know in case they are having similar issues.

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I was having issues with my new Galaxy Note 2 connecting to LTE towers. I would get them after an airplane mode cycle and was concerned that it might be suffering from the same issues that the EVO LTE has.


I started this thread at XDA and somebody told me to turn Roaming mode from Auto to Sprint Only and it seems to be working well.


Just wanted to let other people know in case they are having similar issues.


This is no different than the Galaxy S-III. The issue with the EVO LTE wasn't just cycling airplane mode to connect, but it wouldn't stay connected. In areas where the GS3, Viper and Galaxy Nexus would. So far, other than the iPhone, none of the Android devices are fast at finding LTE signals on their own on the Sprint network. If you wait awhile, it will connect on its own. But if you want LTE immediately after getting into a coverage area, you will have to cycle.



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This is no different than the Galaxy S-III. The issue with the EVO LTE wasn't just cycling airplane mode to connect, but it wouldn't stay connected. In areas where the GS3, Viper and Galaxy Nexus would. So far, other than the iPhone, none of the Android devices are fast at finding LTE signals on their own on the Sprint network. If you wait awhile, it will connect on its own. But if you want LTE immediately after getting into a coverage area, you will have to cycle. Robert

my Evo lte stays connected to lte after i airplane it, but will take some time too canect on its ownelps , i changed the scan timer to 15 it was 30 it helps a little pit im thinks of changing it to 5 and see if that helps and change it to sprint only but im also in LA so its not offical lonched yet so i may wait to see if it makes a diffence when its offical to make changes

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my Evo lte stays connected to lte after i airplane it, but will take some time too canect on its ownelps , i changed the scan timer to 15 it was 30 it helps a little pit im thinks of changing it to 5 and see if that helps and change it to sprint only but im also in LA so its not offical lonched yet so i may wait to see if it makes a diffence when its offical to make changes


I am speaking of my personal observations in a completely deployed FIT area in Waco, Texas. In areas between sites when the signal would drop pretty low, the EVO LTE would often lose connection where the others could maintain. If the signal stayed strong or moderate, the EVO LTE would stay connected. And then after losing it and getting back into stronger coverage, the other devices were still on 4G, but the EVO LTE had to be cycled again to get back to 4G. It was very annoying.


Adjusting the scan timer would not have any effect on keeping a signal, only, possibly in initially connecting or reconnecting to LTE. In our tests, adjusting the LTE scan timer had no effect whatsoever on the time it took for the EVO to find a LTE signal on its own. And it was always dead last in ever finding a signal on its own. But most of the time, we got tired of waiting for the EVO to find the signal when all the other devices in our test had connected, that we would cycle through airplane mode.


The EVO is a dog when it comes to LTE Connectivity. It only becomes really apparent when you use it side by side with other Sprint LTE devices. S4GRU owns every Sprint LTE device except the iPhone and Samsung Victory.



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I am speaking of my personal observations in a completely deployed FIT area in Waco, Texas. In areas between sites when the signal would drop pretty low, the EVO LTE would often lose connection where the others could maintain. If the signal stayed strong or moderate, the EVO LTE would stay connected. And then after losing it and getting back into stronger coverage, the other devices were still on 4G, but the EVO LTE had to be cycled again to get back to 4G. It was very annoying.


Adjusting the scan timer would not have any effect on keeping a signal, only, possibly in initially connecting or reconnecting to LTE. In our tests, adjusting the LTE scan timer had no effect whatsoever on the time it took for the EVO to find a LTE signal on its own. And it was always dead last in ever finding a signal on its own. But most of the time, we got tired of waiting for the EVO to find the signal when all the other devices in our test had connected, that we would cycle through airplane mode.


The EVO is a dog when it comes to LTE Connectivity. It only becomes really apparent when you use it side by side with other Sprint LTE devices. S4GRU owns every Sprint LTE device except the iPhone and Samsung Victory.



sorry I meant no disrespect I just like my lte so I would like mine to work properly


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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sorry I meant no disrespect I just like my lte so I would like mine to work properly


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


I didn't see your post as disrespectful at all. I just was taking an opportunity to explain my background with the EVO LTE connectivity issues.



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I didn't see your post as disrespectful at all. I just was taking an opportunity to explain my background with the EVO LTE connectivity issues.



oh ok thanks that was good info and do you know if sprint going to fix the evo lte


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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oh ok thanks that was good info and do you know if sprint going to fix the evo lte


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


Either the answer is No, because they haven't yet. Or maybe, if they can figure out a solution. I'm not sure they have even figured out the problem.



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oh ok thanks that was good info and do you know if sprint going to fix the evo lte


PMFJI, but also, HTC has been having financial problems... Anyway, I wouldn't raise my hopes.

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This is no different than the Galaxy S-III. The issue with the EVO LTE wasn't just cycling airplane mode to connect, but it wouldn't stay connected. In areas where the GS3, Viper and Galaxy Nexus would. So far, other than the iPhone, none of the Android devices are fast at finding LTE signals on their own on the Sprint network. If you wait awhile, it will connect on its own. But if you want LTE immediately after getting into a coverage area, you will have to cycle.






The main thing I found is that the phone defaults to Automatic which appears to be slower in picking up the LTE coverage. Switching to Home Only (thanks Brendan4t) seems to have that connection pick up more quickly. This is useful for when you're driving and streaming music as it is important to quickly grab the LTE network.

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Robert you have any LTE issues with your new Note 2?


I do not live in a LTE market. I only use LTE when I travel. I may be in Wichita Falls in a few weeks and will perform testing on it then.


Robert via Samsung Note II using Forum Runner

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I do have Lte and the Note 2, as well as the S3. N2 is way better hands down. My house is on the outside edge of a signal. (-106 to -111 RSRP and very high SNR) The S3 once in a while picked it up and jumps on and off, on and off... keeping my data in limbo. sucks big balls. The note 2, I walk out side and it grabs within seconds and holds. N2 seems a little quicker on the web under 3G. I can set both my S3, my Wife's, and The N2 next to each other and the N2 Wins every time. Holding both and going outside. N2 will switch and when ever the S3 gets it, its not holding it. In a good Lte area but at the edge of the map. Example, Texas Motor Speed way. N2 will have already switch and the S3 might have?... Nope, oh but my wife's S3 did... (5 mins later) There it is. You can never tell unless you cycle it. BUT, if your in an area like southern Keller, TX. That has real good coverage, they all work fine it seems. A big deal is the note doesn't jump on and off over and over when its right at that point of getting it.


If feels like the S3 isn't as strong but the threshold is to high. Where the Note is stronger with the same threshold. a lot smoother switch between 3G and 4G on the N2 as well. Also I have a real had time getting Wimax 4G with either of them. Thought they would fix that on the N2.

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lol@wimax. cant tell if your joking/being sarcastic with wimax or not but should be NOTEd that neither device has wimax radios.


Also I have a real had time getting Wimax 4G with either of them. Thought they would fix that on the N2.

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