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[Rumor] Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S 4G in line for Jelly Bean.

VW Maverick

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I'll be the last to get the update just like I was last for the last update.


It is easy to force the update.

Force stop the google services frame work in the 'all app' list, wait for the clear button to become available, select clear. Then go to system update.

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It is easy to force the update.

Force stop the google services frame work in the 'all app' list, wait for the clear button to become available, select clear. Then go to system update.

No I've tried that hundred times. Its a myth. Doesn't work.

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No I've tried that hundred times. Its a myth. Doesn't work.


Actually I heard the myth was if you tried it a hundred times is turns your Nexus into an iPhone, don't try it!


Those steps I described do work for the Gnex, its how I got mine to update today.

Patience is needed, after you stop the task.

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It is easy to force the update.

Force stop the google services frame work in the 'all app' list' date=' wait for the clear button to become available, select clear. Then go to system update.[/quote']


This worked for me. But it took three tries to get it to work.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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It is easy to force the update.

Force stop the google services frame work in the 'all app' list, wait for the clear button to become available, select clear. Then go to system update.

This worked for mine and the wife's. Took three times for mine but 20+ over two days for my wife's.

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Did not work for me(tried maybe 30 times) and royally messed up latitude and anything else dependent on Google location services. A reboot fixed it but I switched to just using the normal check-in procedure. Still waiting for JB. No rush as I've got it on my Nexus S already.

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