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Procter & Gamble Jamming a Sprint Tower Freq.?

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I work in Oxnard, CA 93030

There is a tower literally a few feet from where I work, however, as soon as I turn into the Procter & Gamble plant on Rice Ave., my data speeds collapse 99%. I get speeds of about 0.50mbps along Rice Ave., until i near P&G. Speeds then drop down to anywhere from NOTHING (3G logo even disappears) to about 0.02mbps. Is it possible that P&G is jamming the signal for their own purposes? Is this legal? What about the folks living nearby?

Thanks for your help!

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I have seen cell jammers before. I think they work by causing a bunch of interference and raising the EC/IO ratio, but they are legal with a permit AFAIK. The military uses them a fair amount, especially overseas.

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Not legal in the US. Only the licensed company can broadcast on that frequency in that location. That's the whole point of the licensed spectrum and everything that goes with it.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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We have a couple of locations around Los Alamos that are RF dead zones. Locations that should have a good signal, but are marginal or non existent. Sometimes even with line of sight to the tower. I've always assumed it was because of severe radio interference in the location, or maybe even related to the lab. One is near a large electrical yard and another near a major Lab Electrical Subcontractor. So it may not be jamming, but some sort of other severe interference or radio phenomena.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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Had a similar problem at my work, the issues was that Sprint had in house antenna and then transmit the data to a nearby cell site. I could get good speed outside my building connected to the cell tower, but when I got close enough for the internal antenna to pick up, my speed went down. Sprint had to come out and fix the issue.

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I know alot of times hospitals are allowed to use them to prevent interference with equipment.

wouldnt broadcasting a jamming signal on the same frequency cause the same or more interference?
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I know alot of times hospitals are allowed to use them to prevent interference with equipment.

wouldnt broadcasting a jamming signal on the same frequency cause the same or more interference?


I don't know about hospitals jamming. However, I have built hospitals where they have deployed RF shielding. Especially around CAT scan/MRI equipment.



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I've seen bad RF locations as well. Especially if you get in between the two sectors. So you're riding the ridge of both sectors lobes and then throw in some metal buildings for the signal to bounce around on and you've got an interesting RF picture for your phone to figure out.

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We have a couple of locations around Los Alamos that are RF dead zones. Locations that should have a good signal, but are marginal or non existent. Sometimes even with line of sight to the tower. I've always assumed it was because of severe radio interference in the location, or maybe even related to the lab. One is near a large electrical yard and another near a major Lab Electrical Subcontractor. So it may not be jamming, but some sort of other severe interference or radio phenomena.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


Gotcha. Thanks I'm sure the FCC will find out which, if either it is.

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About 10 years ago -- I think this was even on the old alt.cellular USENET newsgroup -- I helped a Sprint sub diagnose a bad channel card on a sector. I had him circle the site in question, and two of the PN offsets were fine, but the third produced RF diarrhea. With that info, he contacted the Sprint affiliate, and the problem got fixed. So, this could be a similar situation -- a bad EV-DO channel card.



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