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LTE drops signal prematurely, solution?

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When my Galaxy Nexus is in Evdo/LTE mode, my 4g signal cuts in and out, jumping from 3g to 4g every minute or so. My LTE signal is ranging from -89dbm to -120dbm.


If I force my galaxy nexus to do LTE only, I can get a consistent 6mbps up/down even at -120dbm. Is there anyway to change this dropoff point so it will always hang onto the LTE signal in Evdo/LTE mode? I know you could do this on wimax phones, (http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=1566704) but when I enter *#*#3282#*#* on my galaxy nexus, I don't see an option to change signal dropout points anywhere. I'm also running CM9 if that makes any difference.


Is there anyone else having this issue, and does anyone know of a solution?

Edited by yuhfhrh
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At the moment there is no way to tell if its your phone or the network so just wait a few days and see if it gets better or stays the same. For what its worth, I will say that I haven't had any connectivity issues with my gnex or my evo lte so far.

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When my Galaxy Nexus is in Evdo/LTE mode, my 4g signal cuts in and out, jumping from 3g to 4g every minute or so. My LTE signal is ranging from -89dbm to -120dbm.


If I force my galaxy nexus to do LTE only, I can get a consistent 6mbps up/down even at -120dbm. Is there anyway to change this dropoff point so it will always hang onto the LTE signal in Evdo/LTE mode? I know you could do this on wimax phones, (http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=1566704) but when I enter *#*#3282#*#* on my galaxy nexus, I don't see an option to change signal dropout points anywhere. I'm also running CM9 if that makes any difference.


Is there anyone else having this issue, and does anyone know of a solution?


Good find with the forcing on of LTE and finding that you can still pull that much down. If it is possibly to change the hand off dbm I'm sure someone will find a way to do it soon. However, since you are running CM9 that may explain why you don't already have that option. I know when I ran custom roms on my Samsung Epic I didn't have all of the debug options that I had on the stock rom.

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Good find with the forcing on of LTE and finding that you can still pull that much down. If it is possibly to change the hand off dbm I'm sure someone will find a way to do it soon. However, since you are running CM9 that may explain why you don't already have that option. I know when I ran custom roms on my Samsung Epic I didn't have all of the debug options that I had on the stock rom.


I'll try going back to stock and see if there are anymore options. Thanks!


At the moment there is no way to tell if its your phone or the network so just wait a few days and see if it gets better or stays the same. For what its worth, I will say that I haven't had any connectivity issues with my gnex or my evo lte so far.


Sorry, I forgot to mention that this is only happening in my basement. I have no reception problems elsewhere.

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I know on the evo lte when you do ##data# and go to edit mode then select Evdo you have an option to change to LTE mode only (I did this but since so lte here yet it to no signal lol)


Sent from either my SSGS3 or Evo Lte using Forum Runner

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dial ##3282# edit enter your msl code and click edvo change from ehrp/lte to just cdma/lte and it locks it does change back randomly sometimes after a call.or text message just change it back. getting speeds of 4-5 down with -109db signal loss

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